Guobing 2011年6月8日下午6:15
《正觀雜誌》38 期「再訪井水喻」找了出來,裡面提到的「ye suvimuttā te kevalino」讓我很好奇,因為在「耆那教阿含」中,他們也稱完成最究竟的解脫者為 "kevalin",在Hermann Jacobi英譯的Kalpa Sutra (耆那教經典)中是這麼描述的:
「......being engaged in deep meditation, reached the highest knowledge and intuition, called Kevala, which is infinite, supreme, unobstructed, unimpeded, complete, and full. When the Venerable Ascetic Mahāvīra had become a Gina and Arhat, he was a Kevalin......」
不知學長對於佛教使用 "kevalin" 這一術語有何看法?
Kevalin (adj.) [fr. kevala] one who is fully accomplished, an Arahant; often with mahesi and uttamapurisa. Defn sabbaguṇa -- paripuṇṇa sabba -- yoga -- visaŋyutta Sn A 153. -- ye suvimuttā te kevalino ye kevalino vaṭṭaŋ tesaŋ natthi paññâpanāya S iii.59 sq., i. e. "those who are thoroughly emancipated, these are the accomplished . . ."; kevalīnaŋ mahesiŋ khīṇ' āsavaŋ Sn 82=S i.167; -- k. vusitavā uttamapuriso Nd2 on tiṇṇa=A v.16. -- with gen.: brahmacariyassa k. "perfected in morality" A ii.23. -- As Ep. of "brāhmaṇa" Sn 519=Nd2 s. v.; of dhammacakka A ii.9; see also Sn 490, 595. -- akevalin not accomplished, not perfected Sn 878, 891.
Kevalin 似乎帶有早期森林禪修的意味,kevalin 源自 kevala 有不依他人而活,並且還有統一與全部(unity and totality, 與梵合一的意味),與其說與耆那教有關,不如說是一個「借自婆羅門教的術語,把它佛教化而等同於<阿羅漢>」
詳細請見 PTS 的 PED(巴英字典)226頁:
Kevala (adj. -- adv.) [cp. Lat. caelebs=*caivilo -- b˚ to live by oneself, i. e. to live in celibacy, perhaps also, Goth. hails, Ohg. heil, E. whole] expression of the concept of unity and totality: only, alone; whole, complete;
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這幾天重新閱讀黃柏棋老師《正觀》42期21頁提到註釋書將 brahmabhūta(梵成就者) 解釋作 seṭṭhabhūta(殊勝者)。
四梵住 brahmavihaara 讓我遲疑,不知是另一個附加佛教意義的「借用」,還是根本就是外道「借屍還魂」在佛教經典中復活。
你知道 seṭṭhabhūta 有耆那教的用法嗎?
Guobing 2011年6月9日下午6:13
我在手邊可查的幾部耆那教阿含中搜不到 seṭṭhabhūta,或許是耆那教有其拼寫上的差異。
此處提到了黃柏棋老師的文章,也讓我想起日前討論了不少他的文章,其中有關「苦行(tapa)」的部份,我仍是有疑慮的。如果世尊對於耆那教的苦行(耆那教經典作tava)是批判性的,何以我們可在《雜阿含》與對應的《相應部》、《經集》中見到「苦行為時雨(tapo vuṭṭhi)」這樣的描述?
菩提比丘在SN. 1.58 Uppathasuttaṃ的註釋中是這麼解釋「tapa」的:
Austerity (tapa) is a name for restraint, the ascetic pratices (dhutaṅgaguṇa), energy, and extream asceticism; all these except extream asceticism (i.e., self-mortification) are practices that that burn up the defilements.
另外SN. 1.58的最後一句也頗有意思:
Tapo ca brahmacariyañca, taṃ sinānamanodaka.
熾然修梵行,已洗諸非小。(SĀ 1019)
此處世尊將苦行(tapa)與梵行(brahmacariya)併列為對修行有所助益的修習法,這也與SN 7.11的偈子有所呼應,若單就字面上來看,世尊似乎一點也不反對「苦行 tapa」,那我們刻意從其他地方去推敲或詮釋文字底下未被說出來的內容,是否有過度延義之嫌呢?