2024年5月24日 星期五

孔恩博士(Margaret Cone)的《巴英字典》三冊(A dictionary of Pali)

孔恩博士(Margaret Cone)的《巴英字典》三冊(A dictionary of Pali),以可在網路上搜尋:
Vol. I (A-Kh), 2001, 2006, 2015;
Vol. II (G-N), 2010, 2013;
Vol. III (P-Bh), 2020, 2021
M, Y, R, L, V, S, H.
Pali-English Dictionary (PED), (1925), Rhys Davids, T. W. and Stede, William, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.
對像我這一位初學者而言,最大的痛苦是在 PED 上找不到要查的字,特別是在閱讀巴利《法句經》或《經集》時,常因在字典上找不到字,而讓我卡住而無法繼續閱讀。(現在有菩提比丘的《經集》英譯本,也就解決了大部分問題。)
原編譯者 T. W. Rhys Davids 在 PED 的前言(1925)寫著:
'It has been decided ... to reserve the proceeds of the sale [of the first edition] for the eventual issue of a second edition which shall come nearer to our ideals of what a Pali Dictionary should be.'
我們決定保守地控制 PED 第一版的銷售數量,因為比較接近我們理想的第二版將要發行。
但是,第二版最後還是沒發行, PED 就以這樣「不如意」的樣貌發行了將近一百年。
K.R. Norman 在他的書《佛教文獻學十講:佛教研究的文獻學途徑》提到,一位牛津大學教授跟他爭議一個巴利字義,對方說:「我所主張的巴利字義一定不會錯,因為 PED 就是這樣解釋。」
Norman 旁白說:「兄弟,可我就是正在訂正 PED 的那個人咧!」
以下引自 Bhikkhu Anandajoti 臉書:
For all Pāli students Margaret Cone’s Dictionary of Pali is an indispensable resource. There are three volumes released so far, and the Pali Text Society has just made them available in a searchable format: https://gandhari.org/dictionary?section=dop It is very well programmed so that compounds can also be found. Much merit to Dr Cone, who has spend the better part of her life engaged in this work, and also to PTS for making it freely available to students. This site now has 6 of the most important dictionaries online: A Dictionary of Gāndhārī, A Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary, Materials for the Lexicography of Buddhist Sanskrit, The Pali Text Society’s Pali-English Dictionary and Cone’s work.
