2008年4月13日 星期日

雜阿含 579經, 睡不醒的人--3

(相應部尼柯耶S1.1.7 Appatividita 不了知, Bhikkhu Bodhi 英譯)

At Savatthi. Standing to one side, that devata recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One:


”Those who have not penetrated things,

who may be led into others’ doctrines,

Fast asleep, they have not yet awakened,

It is time for them to awaken.” [註一]

579 [不習近正法,樂著諸邪見﹔睡眠不自覺,長劫心能悟。][別譯]〔不善知己法,好欲習他法﹔是名睡不寤,有時必得寤。〕




[The Blessed One:]

”Those who have penetrated things well,

who cannot be led into others’ doctrines,

Those awakened ones, having rightly known,

Fare evenly amidst the uneven.” [註二]

579[專修於正法,遠離不善業﹔是漏盡羅漢,險惡世平等。][別譯] [既善知己法,不喜習他教﹔漏盡阿羅漢,棄惡就正法。]



第四句與《別譯雜阿含 164經》的「棄惡就正法」差距較大,《雜阿含 579經》的「險惡世平等」彷彿有此句的內容而不成功,「險惡世」與巴利文意完全相符,菩提長老解釋說:「世尊說世間是崎嶇的,因為每天有正多的障礙誘導我們走到貪與瞋的道路上,除非我們以正知和精進行走在世尊教導的正道上,否則無法避免跌倒失敗。


The Buddha often speaks of life in the world as an uneven path that constantly challenges us to walk evenly. Each day countless obstacles threaten to obstruct us, to divert us, to knock us off balance, and steady mindfulness and firm determination are needed to avoid losing our way in the dark sidetracks of greed and anger. To stumble may be inevitable until we reach the great highway of the noble ones, but with a clear vision of the goal and diligent effort we can avoid tumbling into the ditches that line the road.



By their purity, peacefulness, and wisdom the mature monastics demonstrate to the lay community, and to all those who have eyes to see, where true happiness is to be found. They show that happiness is to be found, not in acquisition and self-indulgence, but in freedom from desire, in renunciation and detachment. Whether as lay disciple or as monk, to enter the course of training that culminates in such freedom is to walk evenly within the uneven terrain of the world. It is to recover, even with one's initial steps, a balance of living so sorely needed amidst the loud demands and hollow promises of our rapacious consumerist culture.
