2024年6月9日 星期日


Prof. Charles Willemen 魏查理博士,曾英譯《法集要頌經》(T213),也是部派佛教研究的知名學者,去世(1941-2024)。

I am sorry to record that the great Buddhist scholar and rector of IBC for the nine years I was there, Prof Charles Willemen, has passed away. Prof. Charles studied Latin, Greek, Chinese, Japanese and Sanskrit. He obtained his Ph.D. in the field of East-Asian Studies (University of Gent, Belgium). He was assistant, guest professor and professor at different universities in Belgium, China, Canada, Japan and Thailand. He was always well-liked by the students there, and spoke Chinese fluently, and will be missed by all who knew him. May he get a good rebirth, soon come back into contact with Dharma, and in no long time bring about a complete end of this suffering round.
我很遺憾地宣布,偉大的佛教學者魏查理 Charles Willemen 教授去世了、他是我任職九年的 IBC (泰國國際學院)的校長。魏查理教授研習了拉丁語、希臘語、漢語、日語和梵語。他在比利時根特大學獲得了東亞研究博士學位。他曾在比利時、中國、加拿大、日本和泰國的多所大學擔任助理教授、客座教授和教授。他一直深受學生的喜愛,並且中文說得很流利,所有認識他的人都會懷念他。願他能得生善趣,早日重新接觸佛法,早日徹底結束輪迴之苦。
