2022年10月25日 星期二

為什麼「有師、有近住弟子」卻是「獨住」呢? 1/2

為什麼「有師、有近住弟子」卻是「獨住」呢? 1/2




佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。(CBETA, T02, no. 99, p. 57, a16-b2)。





Bhikkhu Bodhi《相應部英譯》(The Connected Discourses of the Buddha),《相應部35.150經》(SN 35.150)

〈Antevāsika 近住弟子〉
“Bhikkhus, this holy life is lived without students and without a teacher. A bhikkhu who has students and a teacher dwells in suffering, not in comfort. A bhikkhu who has no students and no teacher dwells happily, in comfort.

‘Anantevāsikamidaṃ , bhikkhave, brahmacariyaṃ vussati anācariyakaṃ. 梵行是不與老師和弟子共住。

Santevāsiko, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sācariyako dukkhaṃ na phāsu viharati. 與師和弟子共住之比丘,是苦住而非樂住。

Anantevāsiko, bhikkhave, bhikkhu anācariyako sukhaṃ phāsu viharati. 不與老師和弟子共住之比丘,則是樂住。
“And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu who has students and a teacher dwell in suffering, not in comfort? Here, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu has seen a form with the eye, there arise in him evil unwholesome states, memories and intensions connected with the fetters. They dwell within him. Since those evil unwholesome states dwell within him, he is called ”one who has students.” They assail him. Since those evil unwholesome states assail him, he is called ”one who has a teacher.”

Kathañca, bhikkhu, santevāsiko sācariyako dukkhaṃ na phāsu viharati? 諸比丘,如何是『比丘與弟子(染污)共住、與老師(煩惱)共住,是苦住而非樂住』?

Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno cakkhunā rūpaṃ disvā uppajjanti pāpakā akusalā dhammā sarasaṅkappā saṃyojaniyā. 諸比丘,此處有比丘,眼見色後,(於色)憶念、意欲結縛而生起惡不善法。

Tyāssa anto vasanti, antassa vasanti pāpakā akusalā dhammāti. Tasmā santevāsikoti vuccati. 此等之惡不善法住於彼之內,故云『與弟子(染污)共住』﹔

Te naṃ samudācaranti, samudācaranti naṃ pāpakā akusalā dhammāti. Tasmā sācariyakoti vuccati. 此等之惡不善法常常折磨他,故云『與老師(煩惱)共住』。

antevāsika 是「近住弟子」,也是「ante 在內 vāsi 居住(vasati 的過去式動詞) ka 者」。

ācariya 是「阿闍梨,老師,親教師」,

samudācari 是「『samudācarati 慣於、經常於(如此做)』的過去式」。

在雙關語來說,「samudācaranti 常常折磨」在語音上近似「saṃ ācariya 與老師(共住)者」。 anantevāsikaṃ 是「an 無 antevāsika 近住弟子」,也是「(煩惱)不住於內者」。

所以,漢譯「有師、有近住弟子,則苦獨住」為「samudācaranti (為纏結)所常折磨」(有師)、「antevāsika (惡不善法住於內)」(有弟子)為「苦住」。

漢譯「有師、有近住弟子,則苦獨住」為「samudācaranti (為纏結)所常折磨」(有師)、「antevāsika (惡不善法住於內)」(有弟子)為「苦住」。

「無師、無近住弟子,則樂獨住」為「na samudācaranti 不(為纏結)不所常折磨」(無師)、「anantevāsika (惡不善法不住於內)」(無弟子)為「樂住」。

“Further, when a bhikkhu has heard a sound with the ear, ……cognized a mental phenomena with the mind……he is called ”one who has a teacher.”
“It is in this way that a bhikkhu who has students and a teacher dwells in suffering, not in comfort."
“And how, bhikkhus, does a bhikkhu who has no students and no teacher dwell happily, in comfort? Here, bhikkhus, when a bhikkhu has seen a form with the eye, there do not arise in him evil unwholesome states, memories and intensions connected with the fetters. They do not dwell within him. Since those evil unwholesome states dwell within him, he is called ”one who has no students.” They do not assail him. Since those evil unwholesome states do not assail him, he is called ”one who has no teacher.”
“Further, when a bhikkhu has heard a sound with the ear, ……cognized a mental phenomena with the mind……he is called ”one who has a teacher.”
“It is in this way that a bhikkhu who has students and a teacher dwells in suffering, not in comfort."
“Bhikkhus, this holy life is lived without students and without a teacher. A bhikkhu who has students and a teacher dwells in suffering, not in comfort. A bhikkhu who has no students and no teacher dwells happily, in comfort.”

Evaṃ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu anantevāsiko anācariyako sukhaṃ phāsu viharati. Anantevāsikamidaṃ, bhikkhave, brahmacariyaṃ vussati . Anācariyakaṃ santevāsiko , bhikkhave, bhikkhu sācariyako dukkhaṃ, na phāsu viharati. Anantevāsiko, bhikkhave, bhikkhu anācariyako sukhaṃ phāsu viharati.
