2025年3月15日 星期六

庫斯曼 Mehmet Kushman 和「烏拉圖爾語 Urartulu」

1940 年穆罕默德·庫斯曼 (Mehmet Kuşman) 出生於土耳其的凡城,他是以自學掌握古代烏拉爾圖語言而聞名的傳奇人物。儘管只受過小學教育,當今能閱讀古中亞用烏拉爾圖語的人不超過七位,庫斯曼是自學成功而能夠用烏拉爾圖語讀寫的人之一。
Mehmet Kuşman, born in 1940 in Van, Turkey, is a remarkable figure known for his self-taught mastery of the ancient Urartian language. Despite having only a primary school education, Kuşman became one of the few individuals worldwide capable of reading and writing in Urartian.
庫斯曼在服完兵役後,開始在凡城附近的洽浮斯特佩(Çavuştepe)城堡古蹟擔任警衛。由於醉心於烏拉爾圖的楔形文字銘文,他開始自學這種語言,他私自訪問伊朗、亞美尼亞和敘利亞等地區,並學習相關的歷史 和語言知識,對照自己警衛區域的銘文,花了三年的時間逐漸熟悉這一文字。
After completing his military service, Kuşman began working as a guard at the Çavuştepe Castle, an ancient Urartian fortress near Van. His fascination with the Urartian inscriptions led him to learn the language over three years, utilizing resources from visiting archaeologists and extensive travel to regions like Iran, Armenia, and Syria.
Kuşman's dedication garnered international attention, including an invitation to the United States to teach Urartian. However, he chose to remain in Turkey due to family considerations. Even after retirement, he continues to guide visitors at Çavuştepe Castle, sharing insights into Urartian inscriptions and culture.
一部名為“Son Urartu”(“最後的烏拉爾圖”)的紀錄片表彰了他的貢獻,突顯他獨特的旅程和專業知識。(“最後的烏拉爾圖,The Man Learning Ancient Language on His Own - Museum Guard Turned Urartian Expert!”:https://youtu.be/JrVpN6qjTrI?feature=shared)
In recognition of his contributions, a documentary titled "Son Urartu" ("Last Urartian") was produced, highlighting his unique journey and expertise.
