2012年4月9日 星期一

定根---法友飛鴻 41


SN 48.9

Katamañca, bhikkhave, samādhindriyaṃ? Idha, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako vossaggārammaṇaṃ karitvā labhati samādhiṃ, labhati cittassa ekaggataṃ – idaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, samādhindriyaṃ.

Here the translation by ven Bhikkhu Bodhi (Connected Discourses p 1671)

"And what, bhikkhus, is the faculty of concentration? Here, bhikkhus, the noble disciple gains concentration, gains one-pointedness of the mind, having made release the object". This is called the faculty of concentration."

Encyclopedia on "letting go", vossagga, you could download that here




As SA 647 attributed as the parallel of SN 48.9, it does not say the emphasized points in its text:
  《雜阿含647經》卷26:「何等為定根?若比丘離欲惡不善法,有覺有觀,離生喜樂,乃至第四禪具足住,是名定根。」(CBETA, T02, no. 99, p. 182, c7-9)
SA 659 carries the flavor of Mahayana Buddhism:
《雜阿含659經》卷26:「何等為定根?於如來初發菩提心所起三昧,是名定根。」(CBETA, T02, no. 99, p. 184, a15-16)
《增壹阿含46.8經》卷42〈46 結禁品〉:「彼云何名為定根。所謂定根者,心中無錯亂,無若干想,恒專精一意,是謂名為三昧根。」(CBETA, T02, no. 125, p. 779, b4-6)
This passage is much similar to that of Pali:

《阿毘達磨法蘊足論》卷10〈17 根品〉:「云何定根?謂依出家,遠離『所生善法、所起心住等住、近住、安住』,不散不亂,攝[4]正等持,心一境性,是名定根。」(CBETA, T26, no. 1537, p. 499, c7-9)


《阿毘達磨品類足論》卷8〈6 辯攝等品〉:「定根云何。謂依出離遠離所生善法。諸念心住。等住安住。近住堅住。不亂不散。攝止等持。心一境性。是名定根。」(CBETA, T26, no. 1542, p. 723, b17-19)

If we replace 「遠離」 with 「捨離」, it is even better.

