2025年1月15日 星期三

吉那銘文 Girnar inscription與阿育王法敕

吉那(Girnār 吉爾納爾)在印度河口及 Mumbai 孟買市之間,孟買市之北有 Ahmedabad 阿蔑達巴德市,此市之西為一半島,半島上有 Junagadh 朱納格特市,吉那在此市西邊山麓,刻於一大岩石之東北面。1822 年發現時已有不少破損,此處有十四章「阿育王法敕」。
在第十三章之末,有【va sve to ha sti sar va lo ka su kha ha ro nā ma】
Va sveto hasti sarva-loka-sukhaharo nāma

約造於西元150年的吉那銘文成為古印度公共工程的歷史記錄,具有重要意義。此一銘文提及約 500 年前的孔雀王朝創始人旃陀羅笈多(月護 Chandragupta)統治時期,吠舍·弗沙笈多 (Vaishya Pushyagupta 「弗沙」世古印度 27 星宿之一,也許是「吠舍種姓的弗沙笈多」) 在附近建造了一座名為 Sudarshana 的水庫。後來,在阿育王統治時期,它提到一位名叫「圖沙斯帕 Tushaspha」的「雅瓦那 Yavana」國王建造了渠道。劍橋大學南亞考古學教授 Dilip Chakrabarti 表示,該銘文是古印度保存歷史記錄傳統的證據,否則魯德拉達曼(Rudradaman)在西元前150年建造梵文銘文時,不會知道公元前4 世紀參與該計畫的人員的姓名。
The inscription is significant as a historical record of public works in ancient India, nearly 500 years before the inscription was created. It mentions the construction of a water reservoir named Sudarshana nearby, during the reign of the Maurya Empire founder Chandragupta Maurya by Vaishya Pushyagupta.[3] Later, during the reign of Ashoka, it mentions a Yavana king named Tushaspha building conduits.[6] According to Dilip Chakrabarti, a professor of South Asian archaeology at the Cambridge University, the inscription is an evidence of historical record keeping tradition in ancient India because Rudradaman otherwise would not have known the names of people involved in the project in 4th-century BCE, or who later worked on the water reservoir in following centuries, before Rudradaman promoted his Sanskrit inscription in 150 CE.
朱納格特岩石銘文(The Junagadh rock inscription, 此一銘文位於印度西岸 Gujarat 省的 Junagadh 朱納加德)也顯示了西元 2 世紀時期的梵文頌詞。這是存世年代最早的梵文長銘文,其風格相當接近標準梵文。根據邵瑞祺(Salomon)教授的說法,該銘文「代表了梵文銘文歷史上的一個轉折。這是第一個完全以或多或少以標準梵文記錄的長銘文,也是第一個以詩歌風格進行廣泛記錄的銘文。儘管此類讚頌式詩歌的下一個銘文直到笈多時代才出現,從文體的角度來看,此銘文顯然是它們的原型。」然而,繼任的魯德拉達曼(Rudradaman)西方總督並未受到這段銘文的文學風格的影響,而是更喜歡不太正式的混合梵語。
The Junagadh rock inscription also highlights an eulogy-style Sanskrit from the 2nd-century. It is the first long inscription in fairly standard Sanskrit that has survived into the modern era. According to Salomon, the inscription "represents a turning point in the history of epigraphic Sanskrit. This is the first long inscription recorded entirely in more or less standard Sanskrit, as well as the first extensive record in the poetic style. Although further specimens of such poetic prasastis in Sanskrit are not found until the Gupta era, from a stylistic point of view Rudradaman's inscription is clearly their prototype". The Western Satraps successors of Rudradaman, however, were not influenced by this inscription's literary style, but preferred a less formal hybrid Sanskrit language.
銘文也具有重要意義,它記錄了現代城鎮朱納加德 (Junagadh) 有著古老的根源,在西元前 2 世紀被稱為吉里納加拉 (Girinagara),吉那山 Girnar 當時被稱為 Urjayat。
The inscription also is significant in recording that the modern era town of Junagadh has ancient roots and it was known as Girinagara in the 2nd-century CE. The mountain Girnar used to be called Urjayat then.
