2020年12月6日 星期日

書房夜話 353:紀贇翻譯《左冠明佛教文獻學著作集》

左冠明著、紀贇譯《左冠明佛教文獻學著作集》,上海: 中西書局。
預計 2021 年出版。
左冠明(Stefano Zacchetti, 1968-2020)發現安世高翻譯的《陰持入經》(T603)與巴利《小部》的《藏釋》同源,而且有可能《藏釋》是出自「西北印」,稍後才傳到錫蘭去的。
左冠明教授為英國牛津大學沼田惠範講座教授(2015?-2020),2001 -2005年受邀前往創價大學國際佛教學高等研究所,2011-2012 年左冠明在美國加州大學柏克萊分校訪學一年。
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2002a). “On the Authenticity of the Kongōji Manuscript of An Shigao’s Anban shouyi jing 安般守意経”, Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2001, no. 5, pp. 157-158. Tokyo, Japan.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2002b), “An Early Chinese Translation Corresponding to Chapter 6 of the Peṭakopadesa : An Shigao’s Yin chi ru jing T 603 and its Indian original : a preliminary survey”, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies(University of London). Vol.62, Part I. pp. 74-98, London, UK.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2003a), “Some Remarks on the Peṭaka Passages in the Da zhidu lun and their Relation to the Pali Peṭakopadesa”, Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2002. pp. 67-85, Tokyo, Japan.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2003b), “The Rediscovery of Three Early Buddhist Scriptures on Meditation : A Preliminary Analysis of the Fo shuo shi’er men jing, the Fo shuo jie shi’er men jing Translated by An Shigao and Their Commentary Preserved in the Newly Found Kongō-ji Manuscript”, Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2002, 2002. pp. 251-299 , Tokyo, Japan.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2004a), “An Shigao’s Texts Preserved in the Newly Discovered Kongō-ji Manuscript and Their Significance for the Study of Early Chinese Buddhism”, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol.52, No.2. pp. 251-299. Tokyo, Japan.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2004b), “The Scripture on the Twelve Gates Preached by the Buddha.” In Basic Research on the Congō-ji Manuscript Cannon and a study of the newly found Buddhist Scriptures.『報告書』, pp. 238-231(L).
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2004c). “Teaching Buddhism in Han China: A Study of the Ahan Koujie Shi’er Yinyuan JingT1508 Attributed to An Shigao”, Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2003. pp. 197-224. Tokyo, Japan.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2006). “Inventing a New Idiom: Some Aspects of the Language of the Yin Chi Ru Jing 陰持入經 T603 Translated by An Shigao”, Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 2005. pp. 395-416. Tokyo, Japan.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2010a), “A ‘New’ Early Chinese Buddhist Commentary—The Nature of the Da Anban Shouyi Jing 大安般守意經 T602 Reconsidered”, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, vol. 31, pp. 421-484.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2010b), “Defining An Shigao’s 安世高 Translation Corpus: The State of Art in Relevant Research”, 《西域歷史語言研究集刊》第3輯,249-270頁,科學出版社,北京市,中國。
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2010c), “Some Remarks on the Authorship and Chronology of the Yin Chi Ru Jing Zhu 陰持入經註--- The Second Phase in the Development of Early Chinese Buddhist Exegetical Literature”, pp. 141-198, Buddhist Asia 2, (Papers from the Second Conference of Buddhist Studies Held in Naples in June 2004), Italian School of East Asian Studies, Kyoto, Japan.
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2011), ‘What can we learn from variant readings? New light on the history of the Jin Canon 金藏 from the textual study of the Guang zan jing 光讚經’,《第一屆「國際佛教大藏經」學術研討會論文集》(2010年),307-323頁,佛光山文教基金會,宜蘭縣,台灣。
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2013), ‘Translation as creation: A terminological issue in Kumārajīva's version of the Vajracchdikā Prajñāpāritā’,《「漢傳佛教的過去、現在和未來」研討會論文集》,佛光山,高雄市,台灣。
Zacchetti, Stefano, (2014), “Book Review: ‘Studies in Āgama Literature–With Special Reference to the Shorter Chinese Saṃyuktāgama’ , by Marcus Bingenheimer, 《別譯雜阿含經之研究》”, JOCBS, vol. 7, pp. 252-274, Oxford, UK.

左冠明 Stefano Zacchetti原作,紀贇翻譯,(2018),〈三部早期禪定佛教經典的重新發現:新發現金剛寺安世高譯《佛說十二門經》、《佛說解十二門經》以及注釋的初步研究〉,《佛教文化研究》第六輯,頁102-181, & 308,江蘇人民出版社,中國。

