2019年11月30日 星期六

書房夜話 30:Dipak Kumar Barua: 《四尼柯耶的分析研究》An Analytical Study of Four Nikāyas

《四尼柯耶的分析研究》An Analytical Study of Four Nikāyas 在1971年出版,2003年再版。
  教授 Dipak Kumar Barua 是印度加爾各答大學的巴利文獻教授(1987-1991)以及那爛陀大學教授(1996-1999),他也是國際知名的巴利學者。

  1. 1. 書中舉了不少單字拼音的流變狀況;如同外國學者對某些漢字的古音無法掌握,對台語族群則是平常知識;同樣地,我預想印度學者也許可以輕易辨別巴利單字之間的拼字差異所代表的意涵。
  2. 2. 書中對漢譯阿含與巴利尼柯耶進行比較研究,我想知道一位印度學者怎樣看待漢譯佛教文獻。
  3. 3. 書中第一和第二句話就是:「四部《尼柯耶》的編輯無可置疑地是經歷數個階段才完成。要將四部《尼柯耶》的編輯歸因於發生在單一的一個日期,這是完全不可能的。 The task of compilation of the first four Nikāyas has undoubtedly been carried through several periods. It is utterly impossible to assign a definite date to them.」
  關於本書的簡介,我們將英文原文、「Google Translate 谷歌機器翻譯」與「錦坤翻譯」並列:
The first four Nikaya-texts are of inestimable value since they provide important source materials to study the religious/cultural history of the contemporary period. From the sociological point of view too they are of utmost significance, because they vividly present the daily life of the people of ancient India. Hence the importance of the Nikayas can neither be gainsaid nor exaggerated. In fact, this work contains an outline study of the four Nikayas, which belong to the Theravada Pali Canon, on some select aspects in five chapters and three appendices treating of the age of the Nikayas, comparative study between the Sanskrit/Chinese Agamas and Pali Nikayas, their language, Buddha's discourses to the laity, teachings of Early Buddhism under the threefold division of Sila, Samadhi and Panna, discussions on administrative, social and economic conditions of ancient India, Historical and geographical materials found in the Nikayas, mutual relations of the treatment of similies in the Suttas of those Nikayas. In the present work, on the whole, an attempt has been made to introduce the first four Nikaya texts in their entirety.
前四个Nikaya文字具有不可估量的价值,因为它们为研究当代宗教/文化历史提供了重要的资料。从社会学的角度来看,它们也具有最重要的意义,因为它们生动地展现了古代印度人民的日常生活。因此,既不能说也不能夸大Nikayas的重要性。实际上,这项工作包含对属于上座婆罗门教规的四个尼加拉教派的概述研究,涉及尼加拉亚教派年龄的五章和三个附录中的某些特定方面,梵文/中国蜥蜴与巴利教派之间的比较研究。 Nikayas,他们的语言,佛陀对俗语的论述,Sila,Samadhi和Panna三重部门下的早期佛教教义,关于古印度的行政,社会和经济状况的讨论,Nikayas中发现的历史和地理资料,在那些尼加亚族的苏塔人中对待相似之处。总体上,在目前的工作中,已经尝试介绍Nikaya的前四个全文。

