2010年10月15日 星期五


留言:法句經 167 頌:「莫從卑劣法,莫住於放逸,莫隨於邪見,莫增長世俗」。
《法句經》卷1〈2 教學品〉:「莫學小道,以信邪見,莫習放蕩,令增欲意。」(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 559, b23-24)


《法句經》卷1〈2 教學品〉:「善修法行,學誦莫犯,行道無憂,世世常安」(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 559, b24-25)

附帶一提, 巴利本167,168,169頌為:
在支謙譯的法句經中, 只有169頌還留在世俗品,
莫學小道 以信邪見 莫習放蕩 令增欲意
善修法行 學誦莫犯 行道無憂 世世常安

《法句經》卷1〈21 世俗品〉:「順行正道,勿隨邪業,行[16]住臥安,世世無患。」(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 566, a23-24)

藏經閣外的掃葉人2009年3月6日下午1:55 提到...

[在支謙譯的法句經中, 只有169頌還留在世俗品,167及168都被編到教學品去了].

2010.10.15 關於

《雜阿含788經》:『 鄙法不應近,放逸不應行﹔不應習邪見,增長於世間;

《法集要頌經》卷1〈4 放逸品〉更為接近:

歷於百千生,終不墮地獄,修習放逸人,愚人所狎習。」(CBETA, T04, no. 213, p. 779, a17-20)


Don't practice inferior teachings; don't connect with negligence.

Don't embrace wrong beliefs; don't be attached to the world.




hīnaṃ dhammaṃ na seveyya,

pamādena na saṃvase;

micchādiṭṭhiṃ na seveyya,

na siyā lokavaḍḍhano.

Sentence Structure:

hīnaṃ dhammaṃ na  seveyya pamādena na   saṃvase
|                |           |         |            |           |          |
Adj.m.    N.m.    neg.  V.act.     N.m.     neg.   V.act.
Acc.Sg. Acc.Sg.     |   3.Sg.opt. Ins.Sg.      |    3.Sg.opt.
|_________|           |_____|            |           |______|
        |______________|                |__________|

micchā+diṭṭhiṃ  na   seveyya  na     siyā    loka+vaḍḍhano
|                  |       |         |         |          |         |           |
Adv.         N.f.  neg.  V.act.   neg.  V.act.   N.m.  Adj.m.
|            Acc.Sg.  |    3.Sg.opt.  |    3.Sg.opt.   |     Nom.Sg.
|__________|       |_____|         |______|         |______|
       |_____________|                   |____________|

Vocabulary and Grammar: 

hīnaṃ: hina-, Adj.: poor, inferior. It is p.p. of the verb ha- (to reject). Acc.Sg.m. = hīnaṃ.

dhammaṃ: dhamma-, N.m.: here not as the Dharma (Buddha's Teaching), but rather in a more general meaning: teaching, way. Acc.Sg. = dhammaṃ.

na, neg.: not.

seveyya, V.: associate with, practice, embrace. The verb root is sev-. 3.Sg.act.opt. = seveyya.

pamādena: pamāda-, N.m.: negligence. Ins.Sg. = pamādena.

na: see above.

saṃvase, V.: associate or connect with. The verb root is vas- (to live) with the prefix saṃ- (together). 3.Sg.act.opt. = saṃvase.

micchādiṭṭhiṃ: micchadiṭṭhi-, N.f.: wrong belief. It is a compound of:
micchā, Adv.: wrongly, badly.
diṭṭhi-, N.f.: view, belief, theory, idea. It is derived from the verb root dis- (to see).
Acc.Sg. = micchādiṭṭhiṃ.

siyā, V.: would be. The verb root is as-. 3.Sg.act.opt. = siyā.

lokavaḍḍhano: lokavaḍḍhana-, Adj.: indulgence in the world, attachment to the world. It is a compound of:
loka-, N.m.: world.
vaḍḍhana-, N.n.: indulgence, attachment. The verb root is vaddh- (to grow).
Nom.Sg.m. = lokavaḍḍhano.

    This verse consists of four syntactically separate sentences. They are:
    1) hīnaṃ dhammaṃ na seveyya (don't practice inferior teachings, lit.: one should not practice inferior teachings). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the third person singular pronoun. The verb is seveyya (one should practice, 3rd person, singular, active, optative). It is negated by the negative particle na (not). The object is the noun dhammaṃ (teaching, accusative singular). It has an attribute, the adjective hīnaṃ (inferior, accusative singular).
    2) pamādena na saṃvase (don't connect with negligence, lit.: one should not connect with negligence). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the third person singular pronoun. The verb is saṃvase (one should associate, 3rd person, singular, active, optative). It is negated by the negative particle na (not). It also has an attribute, the noun pamādena (with negligence, instrumental singular).
    3) micchādiṭṭhiṃ na seveyya (don't embrace wrong beliefs, lit.: one should not embrace wrong beliefs). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the third person singular pronoun. The verb is seveyya (one should practice, 3rd person, singular, active, optative). It is negated by the negative particle na (not). The object is the compound micchādiṭṭhiṃ (wrong belief, accusative singular).
    4) na siyā lokavaḍḍhano (don't be attached to the world, lit.: one should not be attached to the world). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the third person singular pronoun. The verb is siyā (one should be, 3rd person, singular, active, optative). It is negated by the negative particle na (not). The object is the compound lokavaḍḍhano (attached to the world, nominative singular).


    Visakha was a very famous benefactress of the Buddhist Community from Savatthi. Once an older monks with his young pupil came to her house for almsfood. Visakha's granddaughter was filtering water for the young monk and when she saw her reflection on the surface of the water, she laughed. The young monk also laughed. The girl got angry and said, "You shaven head, why do you laugh at me?!" The monk did not like it and replied, "You and your family are shaven heads yourself!" The girl went weeping to Visakha. Visakha tried to appease both the girl and the monk but the monk was angry and did not accept her explanations and apologies. The older monk also tried his best but did not succeed either.
    The matter was brought to the Buddha, who saw that the monk was ready to reach the first stage of Awakenment. So he asked Visakha, "Why did your granddaughter had to address my monk as a shaven head? All the monks had to shave their heads when they became members of the Community!" The young monk felt very happy and praised the Buddha that he was the only one who could understand him. The Buddha then replied with this verse, saying that the monk was also to blame; he should not quarrel because of such a small and unimportant thing. Hearing that, the young monk reached the first stage of Awakenment.

A.支謙譯《法句經》卷1〈2 教學品〉:「正見學務增,是為世間明,所生福千倍,終不墮惡道。」(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 559, b21-22)。

(雜阿含788經) 鄙法不應近,放逸不應行﹔不應習邪見,增長於世間﹔


B. 了參法師譯:「莫從卑劣法,莫住於放逸﹔莫隨於邪見,莫增長世俗。」

C.  Narada 長老譯:” Do not serve mean ends; do not live in heedlessness; do not embrace false views; do not be a world-upholder.”

D. 淨海法師譯:「不作卑劣的事,不養成放逸﹔不隨從邪見,不為世俗之徒。」

法句譬喻經 昔佛在舍衛國祇樹精舍。佛告諸比丘:〔當勤修道除棄陰蓋,心明神定可免眾苦。〕有一比丘志不明達,飽食入室,閉房靜眠﹔愛身快意,不觀非常,冥冥懈怠,無復晝夜﹔卻後七日其命將終。佛愍傷之,懼墮惡道,即入其室,彈指覺曰:〔

1 咄起何為寐,螉螺蚌蠹類﹔隱蔽以不淨,迷惑計為身。

2 焉有被斫瘡,心如嬰病痛﹔遘于眾厄難,而反為用眠。

3 思而不放逸,為仁學仁跡﹔從是無有憂,常念自滅意。

4 正見學務增,是為世間明﹔所生福千倍,終不墮惡道。〕






《法集要頌經》「不親卑漏法 不與放逸會

不種邪見根 不於世增惡

正見增上道 世俗智所察

歷於百千生 終不墮地獄

(CBETA, T04, no. 213, p. 779, a16-19)

