2010年9月12日 星期日



《大智度論》卷26〈1 序品〉:「如良馬見鞭影便去,鈍驢得痛手乃行」(CBETA, T25, no. 1509, p. 252, a12)





佛云:『如世良馬見鞭影而行。』(且道喚什麼作鞭影?打一拂子,棒頭有眼明如日,要識真金火裏看,拾得口喫飯)。」(CBETA, T48, no. 2003, p. 195, b26-c4)









此經漢譯共有『雜阿含578、922 』與『別譯雜阿含163、148經』,在巴利文尼柯耶為『相應部S1.2.8經 Hiri慚愧』。此頌也是法句經143頌。

(相應部尼柯耶S1.2.8 Hiri, Bhikkhu Bodhi 英譯)

Is there a person somewhere in the world

Who is restrained by a sense of shame?

One who draws back from blame

As a good horse does from the whip?




[別譯] [若有賢善人能具修慚愧﹔譬如彼良馬不為櫳悷惡。][註一]

[The Blessed One:]

Few are those restrained by a sense of shame.

Who fare always mindful;

Few, having reached the end of suffering,

Fare evenly amidst the uneven.




[別譯] [一切世間人少能修慚愧﹔能遠離諸惡猶彼調乘馬。][註二]

[註一]此處菩提比丘引『覺音論師註』:[如同世間良馬知道(隨御者心意)折返或轉向,而不讓馬鞭揮打牠,比丘也應敏銳地避免羞辱,知道收攝(或折返)而不讓任何真實的傷害(genuine ground of abuse)打擊他。天子問『是否有這樣的阿羅漢存在?』世尊回答:『具慚愧心而能避免不善的狀況,此種阿羅漢非常少有。』]



Hirinisedho puriso, koci locasmim vijjati,

yo nindam apabodheti asso bhadro kasam iva.

Hirinisedha tanuya ye caranti sada sata;

antam dukkhassa papuyya caranti visame saman.

hirinisedho: hirinisedha-, Adj.: restrained by conscience. hiri-, N.f.: sense of shame, conscience. nisedha-, Adj.: restraining, holding back. Nom.Sg.m. = hirinisedho. 具慚愧心的(依字面來說是,被慚愧心調伏的),形容詞

puriso: purisa-, N.m.: person. Nom.Sg. = puriso. ,單數陽性名詞

koci: kinci-, Pron.: whatever. Nom.Sg.m. = koci. 有些人(someone who),關係代名詞

lokasmim: loka-, N.m.: world. Loc.Sg. = lokasmim. 在世間,處格

vijjati, V.: exists, is found. The verb root is vid- (to find). 3.Sg.pas.in.pres. = vijjati. 存在、出現(被發現),第三人稱單數動詞)



『覺音論師的顯揚真義』並未將此句當成疑問句解釋。在漢譯『雜阿含』與『別譯雜阿含』相對應的『經文』也未把此句當成問句。同時,Thera Narada 的英譯The Dhammapada[正聞出版社]:[(Rarely) is found in this world anyone who restrained by modesty.]因此,古義是敘述句而不是疑問句。此句譯為:『在此世間,很少出現具慚愧心的人。』


作疑問句的有:淨海法師,Thera Thanissaro,菩提比丘。


yo: yad-, Rel.Pron.: that which. Nom.Sg.m. = yo. 任何人,關係代名詞whoever

nindam: ninda-, N.f.: blame, reproach. Acc.Sg. = nindam. 責備羞辱,受格

apabodheti, V.: avoids. It is a causative of the verb root budh- (to understand) with the prefix apa- (away). 3.Sg.act.caus.pres. = apabodheti. 避免(因醒悟而遠離),動詞,apa-bodheti-醒悟

asso: assa-, N.m.: horse. Nom.Sg. = asso. ,中性單數名詞

bhadro: bhadra-, Adj.: good. Nom.Sg.m. = bhadro. 賢良的,形容詞

kasam: kasa-, N.f.: whip. Acc.Sg. = kasam. 鞭子,受格

iva: like, as (another, more often used form of this word is va). 就像,連接詞


tanuya (非常少的,形容)ye (這樣的人,複數關係代名詞who)caranti

(行走,第三人稱複數動詞)sada (時常地,副詞)sata (具念、具寂靜,具格,為『santi寂靜』的單數具格)antam (極端,受格)dukkhassa (,屬格)papuyya (正獲得,動名詞,『pappoti、papunati』的動名詞)visame (在不正的、在不如理的,處格)saman (沙門,名詞)




    This verse (143) consists of two related sentences. They are:

1) hirinisedho puriso koci lokasmim vijjati (in this world, does there exist a person restrained by conscience). The subject is the noun puriso (person, nominative singular). It has two attributes, the adjective compound hirinisedho (restrained by conscience, nominative singular) and the pronoun koci (a, some; nominative singular). The verb is vijjati (is found, exists; 3rd person, singular, passive, indicative, present tense). It has an attribute, the noun lokasmim (in the world, locative singular).

yo nindam apabodheti asso bhadro kasam iva (who avoids blame, like a good horse avoids a whip). This sentence contains two parts. The main sentence is yo nindaj apabodheti (who avoids blame). The subject is the relative pronoun yo (who, nominative singular). The verb is apabodheti (avoids, 3rd person, singular, active, causative, present tense). The object is the noun nindam (blame, accusative singular). The second part is the clause asso bhadro kasam iva (like a good horse [avoids] a whip). The subject is the noun asso (horse, nominative singular). It has an attribute, the adjective bhadro (good, nominative singular). The verb is omitted, implying the verb apabodheti from the main sentence. The object is the noun kasam (whip, accusative singular). The particle iva (like) connects the clause to the main sentence.
This verse consists of two independent sentences. They are:
    1) asso yath
a bhadro kasanivittho atapino sajvegino bhavatha (be like a good horse when touched by a whip - strenuous and anxious). This sentence can be further analyzed into two parts:
atapino sajvegino bhavatha (be strenuous and anxious). This is the main sentence. The subject is omitted, implying the second person plural pronoun. The verb is bhavatha (be, 2nd person, plural, active, imperative). There are two objects, adjectives atapino (strenuous, nominative plural) and sajvegino
(anxious, nominative plural).
    b) asso yath
a bhadro kasanivittho (like a good horse when touched by a whip). This is a clause to the main sentence. The subject is the noun asso (horse, nominative singular) with two attributes, the adjective bhadro (good, nominative singular) and the compound kasanivittho (touched by a whip, nominative singular). The verb is omitted; the verb bhavatha
from the main sentence is implied.
    2) saddh
aya silena ca viriyena ca samadhina dhammavinicchayena ca sampannavijjacarana patissata jahissatha dukkham idaj anappakaj (by faith, virtue, effort and concentration, by investigation of truth, by having knowledge and conduct, by being mindful abandon this big suffering). The subject is omitted, the verb implying the second person plural pronoun. It has two attributes, the adjectives sampannavijjacarana (endowed with knowledge and conduct, nominative plural) and patissata (mindful, nominative plural). The verb is jahissatha (abandon, 2nd person, plural, active, imperative). It has five attributes: saddhaya (by faith, instrumental singular), silena (by virtue, instrumental singular), viriyena (by effort, instrumental singular), samadhina (by concentration, instrumental singular) and dhammavinicchayena (by investigation of truth, instrumental singular). Three of them (silena, viriyena and dhammavinicchayena) are connected to the other ones by the conjunction ca (and). The object is the noun dukkham (suffering, accusative singular). It has two attributes, the pronoun idaj (this, accusative singular) and the adjective anappakaj (big, accusative singular).


    The story for this verse is identical with the story for the previous one (DhP 143).

    There is no reason to whip a good horse - it knows what to do and how to do it. In the same way there is no need to blame a good person, he is not acting in a way that has to be blamed.

    The good horse needs only to be touched by the whip and then it knows what to do. So it is with a good person. He is "touched" by the suffering and immediately starts to make effort to escape it forever.







(S1.1.7) Yesam dhamma suppatividita, paravadesu na niyare,

te sambbuddha sammadanna, caranti visame saman.



144       如良馬加鞭,當奮勉懺悔。以信戒精進,以及三摩地,善分別正法,以及明行足,汝當念勿忘,消滅無窮苦。

144       如良馬受到鞭觸,更加努力與振奮。藉由信精進以及定,藉由分別正法知行具足以及具念,能消除大苦。

