2024年1月25日 星期四

法友飛鴻 493:分衛 2/2

Yun JI : (2024/1/23)
蘇錦坤 : (2024/1/23)
《一切經音義》卷19:「分衛(此言訛也,正言『賓荼夜』,此云『食團』,謂行乞食也)。」(CBETA, T54, no. 2128, p. 425, a4)
《一切經音義》卷34:「分衛(此言訛也。正言:『儐荼』,此云『團』;『波多』,此云『墮』;言『食墮在鉢中』也。或言『賓荼夜』,此云『團』,『團』者,『食團』謂乞食也)。」(CBETA, T54, no. 2128, p. 538, a6)
--------- 賢極法師留言: (2024/1/28)   剛剛查了《佛教混合梵语词典》。   “piṇḍapāta”这个词由两部分组成:“piṇḍa”意为食物,而“pāta”则可以理解为被投掷或放置。因此,“piṇḍapāta”可以被理解为将食物放入僧侣的钵中。   這與《一切經音義》關於詞源的解釋似乎是一致的。   BHSD 佛教混合梵语词典:   【piṇḍapāta】, m. (see pāta), or °pātra(the latter very often, esp. in mss., tho editors often em., cf. Speyer Av i.13note 1; Index to Divy suggests two different words, 'often confused', but notethat even in the cliché list of pariskāra, q.v., piṇḍapāta occurs asalways in Pali, beside °pātra, the latter e. g. Suv 112.9; Śikṣ 41.18:Sukh 27.1; LV 2.22; also mss. at Av i.13.4 ct alibi, Speyer, note ad loc.; itseems that both forms mean simply alms-food (-attainment, put into amonk's bowl), as is quite obvious in Pali, see Childers and PTSD, and in someBHS passages; the BHS °pātra was doubtless due to pppular etym., associationwith pātra = Pali patta, bowl; tho secondary and unoriginal it occurs sooften that it seems probably to have been used in BHS tradition, by the side of°pāta), food thrown into a monk's almsbowl; see also (besides s.v. pariṣkāra)s.v. paścādbhakta: °pāta Mvy 2374; 8571; 8581; 8591; 8671; Divy 188.24;236.28; 262.23; 553.3, 10; 573.10; Jm 19.25; RP 29.13; Śikṣ 128.2, 8; 215.7;Prāt 500.4 ff. (so regularly in Prāt); Bhīk 23a.1; °pāta-cārika, living byalms-begging, RP 57.10 (= °pātika), °pātra, besides cases in cpds.cited above, Śikṣ 312.14; v.l. in Myy 8571, 8581, 8591, above; ekapiṇḍapātreṇaMv iii.225.10, 13, 21, with nothing but (a bowl of) almsfood.—SeeRahder, Hobogirin 158.

1 則留言:

  1. 賢極法師留言: (2024/1/28)


      BHSD 佛教混合梵语词典:

      【piṇḍapāta】, m. (see pāta), or °pātra(the latter very often, esp. in mss., tho editors often em., cf. Speyer Av i.13note 1; Index to Divy suggests two different words, 'often confused', but notethat even in the cliché list of pariskāra, q.v., piṇḍapāta occurs asalways in Pali, beside °pātra, the latter e. g. Suv 112.9; Śikṣ 41.18:Sukh 27.1; LV 2.22; also mss. at Av i.13.4 ct alibi, Speyer, note ad loc.; itseems that both forms mean simply alms-food (-attainment, put into amonk's bowl), as is quite obvious in Pali, see Childers and PTSD, and in someBHS passages; the BHS °pātra was doubtless due to pppular etym., associationwith pātra = Pali patta, bowl; tho secondary and unoriginal it occurs sooften that it seems probably to have been used in BHS tradition, by the side of°pāta), food thrown into a monk's almsbowl; see also (besides s.v. pariṣkāra)s.v. paścādbhakta: °pāta Mvy 2374; 8571; 8581; 8591; 8671; Divy 188.24;236.28; 262.23; 553.3, 10; 573.10; Jm 19.25; RP 29.13; Śikṣ 128.2, 8; 215.7;Prāt 500.4 ff. (so regularly in Prāt); Bhīk 23a.1; °pāta-cārika, living byalms-begging, RP 57.10 (= °pātika), °pātra, besides cases in cpds.cited above, Śikṣ 312.14; v.l. in Myy 8571, 8581, 8591, above; ekapiṇḍapātreṇaMv iii.225.10, 13, 21, with nothing but (a bowl of) almsfood.—SeeRahder, Hobogirin 158.
