2023年10月20日 星期五


刻有佛像的迦膩色迦一世金幣,(約西元 120 年)。
金幣的一面是迦膩色迦王立像,穿著厚重的貴霜外套和長靴,肩上冒出火焰,左手拿著一根長棍,(右手提著燈籠或香籠?)在祭壇上進行祭祀。金幣上有希臘字母拼寫(加上貴霜 Ϸ"sh"字母)的貴霜語銘文:ϷΑΟΝΑΝΟϷΑΟ ΚΑΝΗϷΚΙ ΚΟϷΑΝΟ(Shaonanoshao Kanishki Koshano):「King of Kings, Kanishka the Kushan 萬王之王,貴霜迦膩色迦王」。
金幣的另一面是希臘風格的佛陀立像,右手做出「無畏手印」(abhaya mudra)的姿勢,左手握住袈裟的褶。金幣有希臘字母的銘文:ΒΟΔΔΟ “Boddo”,意為佛陀。 右邊是迦膩色迦 (Kanishka) 字母組合圖像 (tamgha)。
Gold coin of Kanishka I with a representation of the Buddha (c.120 AD).
Kanishka standing.., clad in heavy Kushan coat and long boots, flames emanating from shoulders, holding standard in his left hand, and making a sacrifice over an altar. Kushan-language legend in Greek script (with the addition of the Kushan Ϸ "sh" letter): ϷΑΟΝΑΝΟϷΑΟ ΚΑΝΗϷΚΙ ΚΟϷΑΝΟ ("Shaonanoshao Kanishki Koshano"): "King of Kings, Kanishka the Kushan".
Standing Buddha in Hellenistic style, forming the gesture of "no fear" (abhaya mudra) with his right hand, and holding a pleat of his robe in his left hand. Legend in Greek script: ΒΟΔΔΟ "Boddo", for the Buddha. Kanishka monogram (tamgha) to the right. British museum.

