2022年7月25日 星期一

《中部 76經》:傳誦,或者正確、或者不正確,或者真實、或者不真實

翻開無著比丘的新書《初期佛教口誦傳承》(Early Buddhist Oral Tradition),第一頁就寫著四行字:
What is well transmitted orally
can still be empty, vain, and false,
and, too, what is not well transmitted orally
can sttill be factual, true, and nor otherwise. (MN 95)
《中部 76經》(M i 520,6) :
sussutam pi hoti dussutam pi hoti, tathā pi hoti aññathā pi hoti.
《中部76經,旃陀經》(M i, 520),長老菩提比丘的英文翻譯為(The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, page 624, line 23):
「Again, Sandaka, here some teacher is a traditionalist, one who regards oral tradition as truth; he teaches a Dhamma by oral tradition, by legends handed down, by the authority of the collections. But when a teacher is a traditionalist, one who regards oral tradition as truth, some is well transmitted and some badly transmitted, some is true and some is otherwise.」

