2022年4月4日 星期一

新書《從長安到那爛陀:玄奘法師 (602?–664)的一生與傳奇》 From Chang’an to Nālandā:The Life and Legacy ofthe Chinese Buddhist Monk Xuanzang (602?–664) (第一屆玄奘與絲路國際研討會論文集)

英文新書《從長安到那爛陀:玄奘法師 (602?–664)的一生與傳奇》
From Chang’an to Nālandā:The Life and Legacy ofthe Chinese Buddhist Monk Xuanzang (602?–664)
Proceedings of the First International Conferenceon Xuanzang and Silk Road Culture
編輯:釋慈光 SHI Ciguang,陳金華 CHEN Jinhua,紀贇 JI Yun,釋心定 SHI Xingding
1. Doctrinal Studies
1.1. Yamabe Nobuyoshi 山部能宜
A Hypothetical Reconsideration of the ‘Compilation’ of
ChengWeishi Lun p.6
1.2. Ernest Billings (Billy) Brewster
Survivability: Vasubandhu and Saṅghabhadra on the Continuity
of the Life of a Sentient Being as Translated by Xuanzang p.79
1.3. Li Zijie 李子捷
The Transformation of the Theory of Zhongxing 種姓 (Skt. Gotra)
before Xuanzang’s Translations: With a Focus on the PusaYingluo Benye Jing 菩薩瓔珞本業経 p.137
1.4. Dan Lusthaus
What is ‘New’ in Xuanzang’s New Translation Style? p.159
1.5. Richard D. McBride II
How Did Xuanzang Understand Dhāraṇī?: A View from His Translations p.220
2. Historical And Biographical Studies
2.1. Shigeki Moro 師茂樹
Biography as Narrative: Reconsideration of Xuanzang’s Biographies Focusing on Japanese Old Buddhist Manuscripts p.252
2.2. Jeffrey Kotyk
Chinese State and Buddhist Historical Sources on Huanzang: Historicity and the Da Ci’en Si Sanzang Fashi Zhuan 大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 p.270
2.3. Guo Wu 伍國
Context and Text: Historicizing Xuanzang and the Da Tang Xiyu Ji
3. Transborder And Transcultural Perspectives
3.1. Max Deeg
How to Create a Great Monastery: Xuanzang’s Foundation
Legend of Nālandā in Its Indian Context p.334
3.2. Arun Kumar Yadav
The Mahābodhi Temple: Centre of Indo-Chinese Cultural Exchange
Yu Xin 余欣
Archaeological Evidence, Cultural Imagination and Image of the Medieval World: New Perspectives on Treasures from Qiuci p.387
3.4. George A. Keyworth
On Xuanzang and Manuscripts of the *Mahāprajñāpāramitā- sūtra
at Dunhuang and in Early Japanese Buddhism p.437
4. Appendix
4.1. Siglinde Dietz
The Xuanzang Project at the University of Göttingen p.498

