2021年6月17日 星期四


喬正先生在西元2008/6/1 翻譯長老坦尼沙羅《增支部 3.66經》,關於「四安穩住處」的翻譯如下:
  1. 第一,他(她)會這麼想:『我不確定這個世界上到底有沒有輪迴,有沒有因果業報。但萬一這些事情存在,那麼我死後一定會生天,或出生在美好的地方。』這就是他(她)今生的第一種內心的安樂。
  2. 第二,他(她)會這麼想:『我不確定這個世界上到底有沒有輪迴,有沒有因果業報。就算沒有,那麼虎死留皮,人死留名,至少我可以為自己、家人或親友留下好的名聲』這就是他(她)今生的第二種內心的安樂。
  3. 第三,他(她)會這麼想:『若作(惡)之人有惡報,那麼我不對任何人懷有惡意,不造惡業,我將來一定不會遇到不幸。』這就是他(她)今生的第三種內心的安樂。
  4. 第四,他(她)會這麼想:『假設作惡之人沒有惡報,那麼至少我心安理得,無愧於天地,無負於他人』這就是他(她)今生的第四種內心的安樂。」
長老坦尼沙羅(Bhikkhu Thanissaro)的英譯是這樣的:
  1. 'If there is a world after death, if there is the fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then this is the basis by which, with the break-up of the body, after death, I will reappear in a good destination, the heavenly world.' This is the first assurance he acquires.
  2. 'But if there is no world after death, if there is no fruit of actions rightly & wrongly done, then here in the present life I look after myself with ease — free from hostility, free from ill will, free from trouble.' This is the second assurance he acquires.
  3. 'If evil is done through acting, still I have willed no evil for anyone. Having done no evil action, from where will suffering touch me?' This is the third assurance he acquires.
  4. 'But if no evil is done through acting, then I can assume myself pure in both ways.' This is the fourth assurance he acquires.


  1. 英文在第二項,沒有與「虎死留皮,人死留名」對應的字句。
  2. 英文 'If evil is done through acting',漢譯「若作(惡)之人有惡報」;英文 'from where will suffering touch me?',漢譯「我將來一定不會遇到不幸。」;兩組譯文和英文有些差異。
  3. 英文 'But if no evil is done through acting, then I can assume myself pure in both ways.',漢譯「假設作惡之人沒有惡報,那麼至少我心安理得,無愧於天地,無負於他人」;譯文不僅「過度翻譯」,並且曲解原來的英文本意。



