2020年12月8日 星期二

佛學問答 72:《增支部 2.41 經》

法友問:2017/03/12 - 00:22
對比菩提比丘英譯版,英譯版多了下面紅標字句(These bhikkhus generate much demerit and cause the good. Dhamma to disappear.),不確定是否是中譯版闕漏,或其它?提供參考。

元亨寺《增支部 2.40經》:「諸比丘!凡比丘誤解於類似文義之經,以義、法除外者,諸比丘!彼比丘之所行為多人之無益、為多人之無樂、為多人之無利、為天、人之無益、苦。」(CBETA, N19, no. 7, p. 93, a3-4 // PTS. A. 1. 69)

"Bhikkhus, those bhikkhus w ho exclude the meaning and the Dhamma by means of badly acquired discourses whose phrasing is a semblance [of the correct phrasing] 276 are acting for the harm of many people, for the unhappiness of many people, for the ruin, harm , and suffering of many people, of devas and human beings. These bhikkhus generate much demerit and cause the good. Dhamma to disappear.
[0093a05] 諸比丘!凡比丘正解於類似文義之經,隨順義、法,諸比丘!彼等比丘之所行為多人之益,為多人之樂,為多人之利,為天、人之益,為樂。諸比丘!又彼等比丘即生多福,又住於此正法。」
yifertw - 周日, 2017/03/12 - 11:23
《增支部》 〈二法集〉第四品等心品第10經(AN 2.40):
「諸比丘!凡比丘誤解於類似文義之經,以義、法除外者,諸比丘!彼比丘之所行為多人之無益、為多人之無樂、為多人之無利、為天、人之無益、苦。」(CBETA, N19, no. 7, p. 93, a3-4 // PTS. A. 1. 69)
莊春江工作站此經的編號為 AN 2.42 (http://agama.buddhason.org/AN/AN0270.htm):
在菩提比丘的"The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha",此經的編號為 AN 2.41 (160頁) 。
關則富,(2016),《巴利語佛經譯注:增支部(一)》,聯經出版社,台北市,台灣。此經的編號為 AN 2.41 (173-174頁):
菩提比丘此句「These bhikkhus generate much demerit and cause the good Dhamma to disappear.」,巴利經文為「Bahuñca te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū apuññaṃ pasavanti, te cimaṃ saddhammaṃ antaradhāpenti.」
我建議參考《增支部4.160經》與《增支部3.30經》,我的解讀為:「those bhikkhus who exclude the meaning and the Dhamma by means of badly acquired discourses whose phrasing is a semblance [of the correct phrasing]」,「 by means of badly acquired discourses whose phrasing is a semblance [of the correct phrasing] 不恰當地執取用詞用字有差異的經文」,「those bhikkhus who exclude the meaning and the Dhamma 那些比丘排除了(正確的)義與法」,此處「義 attha」是指「註解、詮釋」,「法 dgamma」是指「經文」。

