2020年8月15日 星期六

書房夜話 143:非經非註,不是絕對的堅實可信

葉均翻譯的《清淨道論》,提到各種人格的個性特質,此一段落提到的最後一個特質是「個性喜歡尋思的人 Vitakkacarita」,然後總結以上所列的各種「個性特質」(如貪行者、瞋行者、癡行者、信行者、尋行者)而說:「這些對辨別各種個性特質的解說,不是來自經典(pāḷi),也不是來自註釋書(aṭṭhakathā),不是絕對的堅實可信。」
「智髻長老 Ñāṇamoḷi」的英譯為:
In one of speculative temperament there is frequent occurrence of such states as talkativeness, sociability, boredom with devotion to the profitable, failure to finish undertakings, smoking by night and flaming by day (see M.I, 144 -- that is to say, hatching plans at night and putting them into effect by day), and mental running hither and thither. (see Ud. 37)
However, these directions for recognizing the temperaments have not been handed down in their entirety in either the texts or the commentaries; they are only expressed according to the opinion of the teachers and cannot therefore be treated as authentic.

Yasmā pana idaṃ cariyāvibhāvanavidhānaṃ sabbākārena neva pāḷiyaṃ na aṭṭhakathāyaṃ āgataṃ, kevalaṃ ācariyamatānusārena vuttaṃ, tasmā na sārato paccetabbaṃ.

元亨寺版《清淨道論》卷3:「而辨知此性行之規定,由於一切行相,皆不是聖典或疏所述;但從阿闍梨之意見而說。故不是堅實可信。」(CBETA, N67, no. 35, p. 182, a12-13 // PTS. Vism. 107)

