2014年5月9日 星期五

Norman 譯巴利《法句經》---79

pict 392
Dhammapīti sukhaṃ seti, vippasannena cetasā;
Ariyappavedite dhamme, sadā ramati paṇḍito.
Norman 的翻譯為:
「He who drinks of the doctrine sleeps happily. with a clear mind,
   The learned man always rejoices in the doctrine taught by the noble one.」
《法句經》卷1:「以飲法(水)者,清澄心快適,賢者常喜樂,聖者所說法。」(CBETA, N26, no. 9, p. 21, a1 // PTS.Dhp.12)
《法句經》〈14 明哲品〉(5) 《出曜經》〈31 樂品〉(15) 《法集要頌經》〈30 樂品〉(15)
喜法臥安,心悅意清,聖人演法,慧常樂行。 愛法善眠寤,心意潔清淨,賢聖所說法,智者所娛樂。 愛法善安隱,心意潔清淨,賢聖所說法,智者所娛樂。
Norman 指出,偈頌第一句 Dhammapīti ,在梵文《法句經》30.13頌作 Dhammaprīti 是「joy喜樂」而 Dhammapīti 是「drinking  飲」。
因此,巴利「Dhammapīti 」其實兼有「於法喜樂」及「飲法」兩種意涵。
(one who finds joy in the Dharma; or one who drinks the Dharma, nominative singular).
This is the traditional explanation of this word. There is, however, another possibility, taking the word pīti as pīti-, N.f.: joy, delight. The meaning of the whole compound then would be "one who finds joy in the Dharma". In the light of the second line of this verse, where the verb ramati is used, I find this more convincing. In the translation of this verse this meaning is used, however here in the Vocabulary I introduced the traditional meaning first. Also in the Commentary, which is also traditional, this meaning is worked with. In the Sentence Structure, this second meaning is used - at the end of the compound then N.f. becomes N.m.
實際上,Norman 指出,巴利《法句註》偈頌第一句 Dhammapīti ,可能是「word play」,巧妙地意涵「飲法(感受法義、身體力行法的教導),但是翻譯時」選取了「飲」的意涵。
One who finds joy in the Dharma dwells happily, with a bright mind.
The wise man always delights in the Dharma taught by the noble ones.

Udānavarga(梵文《法句經》) 30.13 Sukha
dharmaprīti sukha śete
viprasannena cetasā |
āryapravedite dharme
ramate paṇḍita smta //

seti, V.: lays, dwells. The verb root is si- (to lay). 3.Sg.act.in.pres. = seti

