2014年3月3日 星期一

梵文《法句經》 Udānavarga -- 來自 SF Chin 的分享

pict 968


1. Anityavarga無常品

ind m nom opt 3rd sg adj m adj m asmi jīvita n loc

tatra ko viśvasen[1] martyo[2] daharo ’smīti jīvite |
there who one could rely on mortal young is in life

~āh m pl -api pres 3rd pl m pl nārī f pl ca-anekaśas ind

daharāpi ṃriyante hi narā nāryaś cānekaśaḥ[3] |1,8|

young -even die men women in great number

csf:注意viśvaset 的雙關意思:

alt.1 – ‘cannot breathe freely’ (at the thought of dying).

alt.2 – rely or depend on

‘I am young (but) mortal.’ alt. 2. Who is there in this life that could rely on (something)? [alt. 1. Who is there in this life that could breathe freely?] (Since) repeatedly and in great number, even young men and women die.

「我年輕(但)壽命有限 」。在此生活裏,1.誰能有依靠?2.誰能暢懷呼吸?(因爲)縱使年輕的男男女女也一再死亡無數。

“mortal” 壽命有限的凡人,相對 “immortal”仙人





csf: 這裡的‘何’被譯成業格了吧?(即:whom to rely on) 但原文的‘何’是主格 (who could rely on (something)),非業格。

[出曜經] 我今少壯,無所恃怙,少者亦死,男女無數。

[法集要頌經] 榮富焰熾盛,無常無時節,不揀擇貴賤,常被死王降。


ind ~a n sg loc adj f sg loc n sg acc √vac pp n √vap pass

yathāpi tantre vitate[4] yad yad uktaṃ samupyate[5] |
just as on loom covered over whatever said be cast around

ind pres 3rd sg √ve fpp n sg nom ind adj m sg gen jīvita n nom

alpaṃ bhavati vātavyam[6] evaṃ martyasya jīvitam |1,13|
not much becomes to be woven such of the mortal life


Just like on the loom is covered over (by the shuttle 杼? threads 縷?),

whatever (‘said’? sound?) (is made) (when the shuttle?) has been cast around,

what is to be woven becomes thin, such is the life of the mortal.





[出曜經] 猶如張綜,以杼投織,漸盡其縷,人命如是。

[法集要頌經] 如人彈琴瑟,具足眾妙音,絃斷無少聲,人命亦如是。

cf. 中阿含,160阿蘭那經


[1] √śvas 2P to breathe, viśvasati (~te) lit. to breath freely; hence “rely or depend on”

[2] a mortal being 凡人, immortal 仙人

[3] repeatedly, in great number

[4] √tan to spread, vi-tata [pp] spread or covered over

[5] √vap to throw, cast, [1 P/Ā], upavap strew over, upyate [pass] to be strewn, buried under

[6] √ve to weave [1 P/Ā]

[7] 杼zhu4 筘,梭shuttle of the loom

