2013年7月30日 星期二

El Paso動物園剛出生的「懶猴」寶寶

These two primates are double trouble – the mega-rare creatures are TWINS.
Experts at The El Paso Zoo managed to safely breed a pair of pygmy slow loris to boost the primitive species' threatened population.
Both cute critters born to Zoo residents Steven Tyler and Kym Ly have not yet been named, but have been identified as one female and one male weighed in at 27 grams - equivalent to approximately two tablespoons of white sugar.
The births are part of a breeding recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan (SSP) to aid in the species’ conservation. Pygmy slow lorises are currently listed as “vulnerable” in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Collections Supervisor Griselda Martinez said: "We are excited about our first birth of pygmy slow lorises at the Zoo, especially because they are twins. It’s evident that through our staff’s hard work and dedication, this has been a successful birth.”

Featuring: El Paso Zoo Veterinarian Victoria Milne holds male pygmy slow loris during well baby exam on May 9.
Where: El Paso, Texas, United States
When: 11 Jun 2013
Credit: WENN.com

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出生不久的雙胞胎懶猴寶寶,是El Paso動物園生態保育計畫的驚喜,牠們為瀕臨滅種的懶猴家族帶來新希望,在見面會上用可愛的大眼睛看著四周,迎接繁衍新生命的神聖任務。(圖/達志影像)



