2011年3月9日 星期三

佛教文獻學書目:by Marcus Bingenheimer, 法鼓佛教學院






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Bibliography of Buddhist Studies Bibliographies in Western Languages

Compiled by Marcus Bingenheimer

Last Update: March 2008

  • American Buddhism: A Bibliography on Buddhist Traditions and Schools in the U.S.A. and Canada.
    BAUMANN, Martin.
  • The Architecture of Tibet: An Introductory Bibliography.
    TEAGUE, Edward.H.
    Monticello, Ill. (P.O. Box 229, Monticello 61856): Vance Bibliographies, 1985.
  • Asian Bibliography: Japan (and Korea).
    TUCKER, Frank. H.
    Colorado Springs: 1966.
  • The Australian Buddhist Library held in the National Library of Australia, Canberra: A Classified Catalogue.
    THE BUDDHIST LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA (Ao zhou fo jiao tu shu guan.)
    Canberra: The Library, 1989.
  • Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Minor.
    Ryukai Library
    Tokyo: since 1977.
  • 'Bibliographia delle fonti Buddhiste: Buddhismo indiano.'
    SHIRIEDA, Giovanni.
    Instituto Giapponese di Cultura in Roma: Annuario, 4 (1966-67), 137-195.
  • Bibliographical Sources for Buddhist Studies: From the Viewpoint of Buddhist Philology.
    SUEKI, Yasuhiro.
    Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies, 1998. [Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged 809 pages (Bibliographia Indica et Buddhica III). Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 2008]
  • Bibliographie bouddhique.
    CLAUSON, G.L.M.; DUTT, Nalinaksha.et al..
    Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Guenther, 1928-1933; and, Paris: Libraire l'Amérique et Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1934 -1967. (Buddhica. Documents et travaux pour l'étude du Bouddhisme. 2.série: Documents. 3; 5; 6.) Tome 1-31 (Janvier 1928 - Mai 1958); 32 (Index général des tomes 24-27 et 28-31). I (1928-29); II (1929-30); III (1930-31); IV-V (1931-33); VI (1933-34); VII-VIII (1934-36); IX-XX (1936-47); XXI-XXIII (1947-50); XXIV-XXVII (1950-54); XXVIII-XXXI (1955-1958).
  • Bibliographie du Bouddhisme, Vol. 1.
    BEAUTRIX, Pierre.
    Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, 1970. (Editions de Textes.) [Bibliography of texts edited in their original language]
  • Bibliographie du Bouddhisme Zen.
    BEAUTRIX, Pierre.
    Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, 1969.
  • Bibliographie de la littérature Prajnaparamita.
    BEAUTRIX, Pierre.
    Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Etudes Bouddhiques, 1971.
  • Bibliographie zur Frage nach den Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Buddhismus und Christentum.
    HAAS, Hans.
    (1868-1934). Leipzig: J.C. Hinrichs, 1922.
  • Bibliographie de la Littérature Prajnaparamita.
    BEAUTRIX, Pierre.
    Bruxelles: Institut Belge des Hautes Études Bouddhiques, 1971. (Publications de l'Institut Belge des Hautes Études Bouddhiques. I. Série "Bibliographies". 3.)
  • Bibliographies on the Net [A list of on-line religious bibliographies.]
    LIPTON, Sandra.
  • Bibliographischer Führer durch die Buddhistische Literatur.
    KRETSCHMER, Roland.
    Wolfenbüttel (Germany): 1988.
  • Bibliography of Asian Studies.
    The Association of Asian Studies.
    Ann Arbor. Published annually since 1946. Title until 1956: Far Eastern Bibliography.
  • Bibliography on Buddhism.
    HANAYAMA, Shinsho.
    Edited by The Commemoration Committee for Professor Shinsho HANAYAMA's Sixty-first Birthday. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1961. (Literature until about 1940)
  • "Bibliography on Buddhism and Human Rights."
    KEOWN, Damien.
    Journal of Buddhist Ethics (http://www.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html or http://www.gold.ac.uk/jbe/jbe.html)
  • "A Bibliography of Buddhist Materials in the Recorded Sound Cellection of the Library of Congress."
    HOOKER, Floyd.
    B. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 16-1 (1993), pp. 209-242.
  • "Bibliography of English-Language Works on Pure Land Buddhism: 1960 to the Present [1984]."
    Otani daigaku Shinshu sogo kenkyusho kenkyusho kiyo大谷大學真宗總合研究所研究所紀要 1 (1984), pp. 1-17.
  • "Bibliography of English-Language Works on Pure Land Buddhism: Primarily 1983-1989."
    TANAKA, Kenneth.
    The Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies 5 (1989 Fall), pp. 85-99.
  • "Bibliography of Jainism."
    GOMBRICH, Richard.
    South Asian Bibliography: A Handbook and Guide edited by J. PEARSON. Sussex: Harvester Press, 1979.
  • A Bibliography on Japanese Buddhism.
    BANDO, Shojun.
    et al.. Tokyo: CIIB Press, 1958.
  • "A Bibliography on Japanese Buddhism written in English Language by Japanese."
    KOJIMA, Bumpo.
    Tokyo, Kyoto: Toshokankai, vol. IV-4 (March 1953), pp. 138-140; vol. VII- 6 (December 1955), pp. 205-206
  • "A Bibliography of Indian and Buddhist Logic."
    CHI, Richard.
    S.Y. Buddhist Formal Logic. London: Royal Asiatic Society, 1969. pp. 181-222
  • Bibliography of Indian Philosophy.
    POTTER, Karl.
    Heinz. Delhi, Patna, Varanasi: Motilal Barnasidass, 1970. (The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. 1.) Supplements: POTTER, K.H. "Bibliography of Indian Philosophies: First Supplement." Journal of Indian Philosophy, 2 (1972-74), 65-112; 175-209; 397-413. "Second Supplement." JIP, 4 (1976-77), 295-399. "Third Supplement." JIP, 6 (1978), 87-127; 195-231; 299-324.
  • A Bibliography of Indian Philosophy. Part II.
    The Dr. C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Research Endowment Committee.
    Madras: 1968.
  • Bibliography of Literature on Buddhist Topics Published on the Territory of the G.D.R. since 1945.
    MODE, Heinz.
    Adolf. Halle: Buddhist Centre Halle, 1967.
  • A Bibliography of the Sanskrit Texts of the Saddharmapundarikasutra.
    YUYAMA, Akira.
    Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1970. (Oriental Monograph Series. 5.)
  • "A Bibliography on Sinhala Buddhism."
    DEEGALLE, Mahinda.
    Journal of Buddhist Ethics (1997) (http://www.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html or http://www.gold.ac.uk/jbe/jbe.html)
  • "Bibliography of South Asian Buddhism."
    GOMBRICH, Richard.
    South Asian Bibliography: A Handbook and Guide edited by J. PEARSON. Sussex: Harvester Press, 1979.
  • A Bibliography for the Study of Buddhism in Ceylon in Western Languages.
    GARD, Richard.
    Abbott. San Francisco: Asia Foundation, 1957 (2nd ed.).
  • Bibliography, Subject Index and Name Index for recent publications and on-going research concerning religions of asia.
    GYATSO, Janet.B.
    Since 1987. Published twice a year by The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, Melville Memorial Library, State Univesity of New York at Stony Brook, N.Y.
  • "Bibliography of D.T. Suzuki."
    NISHITANI, Keiji.
    SAKAMOTO, Hiroshi. The Eastern Buddhist 2 (1967), pp. 216-229.
  • "Bibliography of Tibet, Vol. 1, Buddhism."
    EIMER, H.
    Central Asiatic Journal 37-1/2 (1993), pp. 153-155.
  • Bibliography of Tibetan Studies.
    CHAUDHURI, Sibadas.
    Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1971.
  • Bibliography of Tibetan Studies.
    KULOY, Halvard.
    Kare; IMAEDA, Yoshiro. Narita (Japan): Naritasan Shinshoji, 1986.
  • "A Bibliography of Translations of Zen (Ch'an) Works."
    SASAKI, Ruth.
    Fuller. Philosophy East and West 10-3/4 (1960), pp. 149-169.
  • Books on Buddhism: An Annotated Subject Guide.
    YOO, Yushin.
    Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1976.
  • Bouddhisme : bibliographies / Buddhism : Bibliographies,
    DUCOR, Jerome
  • "Le bouddhisme. 1. Les sources."
    FILLIOZAT, Jean.
    DEMIÉVILLE, Paul. L'Inde classique. Manuel des études indiennes par Louis RENOU et Jean FILLIOZAT. Tome II avec le concours de P. DEMIÉVILLE, Olivier LACOMBE et Pierre MEILE. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale; Hanoi: École Francaise d'Extrème-Orient, 1953 (Bibliothèque de l'École Francaise d'Extrème-Orient. 3.), §§ 1929-2169.
  • "A Brief Survey of Buddhist Studies in Post-war Japan - An Annotated Bibliography."
    SAKURABE, Hajime.
    The Eastern Buddhist 1 (1966), pp. 131-139.
  • Buddhism in Australia: A Bibliography.
    SPULER, Michelle.
  • Buddhism: A Bibliography.
    Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1973.
  • Buddhism in Brazil.
    MOREIRA DA ROCHA, Cristina.
  • Buddhism in Hawaii: An Annotated Bibliography.
    SUZUKI, Mabel.
    Kiyoko. Honolulu: 1975.
  • Buddhism in India, Ceylon, China and Japan: A Reading Guide.
    HAMILTON, Clarence.
    Herbert. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1931.
  • "Buddhism in Recent Translations."
    CHAPPELL, David.W.
    Buddhist Christian Studies 9 (1989), pp. 295-299.
  • Buddhism: A Select Bibliography.
    Gurgaon: Indian Documentation Service, 1976. 2nd edition revised and enlarged, 1986.
  • Buddhism: A Subject Index to Periodical Articles in English, 1728-1971.
    YOO, Yushin.
    Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1973.
  • Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den Länder des Theravada-Buddhismus.
    BECHERT, Heinz.
    Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1973. Volume 3 contains a large bibliography on almost any aspect of Theravada Buddhism.
  • Buddhist Architecture - A Bibliography of English Language References.
    VANCE, Mary.A.
    Monticello, Ill. (P.O. Box 229, Monticello 61856): Vance Bibliographies, 1982.
  • A Buddhist Bibliography.
    MARCH, Arthur.
    Charles. London: The Buddhist Lodge, 1935.
  • Buddhist Literature of the Manchus: A Catalogue of the Manchu Holdings in the Raghu Vira collection at the International Academy of Indian Culture.
    ??: The Academy, 1981.
  • Buddhist Literature Yesterday and Today.
    SAIN, G.R.
    Delhi: Concorde Press, 1992.
  • The Buddhist Periodical Press in China.
    LÖWENTHAL, Rudolf.
    Peking: Synodal Commission in China, 1938.
  • Buddhist Political Thought. A Bibliography, Outlines and Bibliographical Index. SAIS, Summer Session 1952.
    GARD, Richard.
    Abbott. Washington: The School of Advanced International Studies, 1952.
  • Buddhist Research Information. s. Buddhist Text Information*
  • Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscript Collection: A Bibliographical Guide for the Use of Students in Buddhist Philology.
    YUYAMA, Akira.
    Tokyo: The Library, The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1992.
  • Buddhist Scriptures: A Bibliography.
    CONZE, Edward.
    (1904-1979). Edited and revised by LANCASTER, Lewis. New York, London: Garland, 1982. (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities. 113.)
  • Buddhist Studies Dissertations and Theses Completed at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1935 -1990.
    WIIG, Linda.
    Honolulu: School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1991.
  • Buddhist Text Information.
    GARD, Richard.
    New York: The Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions. Issued in March, June, September, December of a year. Cumultative Index in December. Number 1 (November 1974) ff.
  • Der buddhistische Kanon: Eine Bibliographie.
    GRONBOLD, Gunter.
    Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1984.
  • Buddhistische Philosophie.
    Bern: A. Francke, 1950. (Bibliographische Einführungen in das Studium der Philosophie. 20/21.) 86 pp.
  • Catalogue of Buddhist Books.
    San Francisco: Buddhist Churches of America, 1968.
  • Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit manuscripts in the University Library, Cambridge.
    Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1992.
  • A Catalogue of the Buddhist Tripitaka.
    NANJIO, Bunyiu.(1849-1927)
    Reprint: New Delhi: Lokesh Chandra, 1980.
  • Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Tokyo University Library.
    MATSUNAMI, Seiren.
    Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1965.
  • Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of the India Office.
    Printed by order of the Secretary of state for India in council. London: 1887, 1935.
  • A Catalogue of the Stog Palace Kanjur.
    SKORUPSKI, Tadeusz.
    Tokyo: International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1985.
  • Catalogue of Tibetan Works kept in Otani University Library.
    OTANI DAIGAKU TOSHOKAN [Library of the Otani University].
    Kyoto: 1973.
  • Catalogue of the Tohoku University Collection of Tibetan works on Buddhism.
    TOHOKU DAIGAKU INDOGAKU KENKYUKAI [Association for Indian Studies, Tohoku University].
    Sendai [Japan]: Tohoku Daigaku Bungakubu, 1953.
  • China: A Critical Biography.
    HUCKER, Charles.O.
    Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1968.
  • The Christian-Buddhist Encounter: A Select Bibliography.
    HACKETT, David.G.
    Berkeley, Ca.: Program for the Study of New Religious Movements in America, Graduate Theological Union, 1979.
  • Contributions to a Buddhistic Bibliography.
    CHAUDHURI, Sibadas.
    Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1967.
  • The Cultural Revolution in China: An Annotated Bibliography.
    WANG, James.
    C.F. New York: Garland Publications, 1976.
  • Descriptive catalogue of the Naritasan Institute collection of Tibetan works.
    Narita (Japan): Naritasan Shinshoji, 1989.
  • Deutsche Bibliographie des Buddhismus.
    München, Leipzig: Hans Sachs, 1916. Reprinted: Hildesheim, New York: Georg Olms, 1973.
  • Doctoral Disseratations in Jaina and Buddhist Studies.
    JAINA, Sagaramala.
    Varanasi: P.V. Research Institute, 1983.
  • East Asia: A Bibliography of Bibliographies.
    NUNN, Raymond.G.
    Honolulu: East-West Center Library, University of Hawaii, 1967.
  • Feminist Theology and Spirituality: An Annotated Bibliography."
    MACNICHOL, Sally.
    Noland; WALSH, Mary Elizabeth. Woman's Studies Quaterly 21:1-2 (Spring-Summer 1993). pp. 177-196.
  • Der frühe türkische Buddhismus und seine literarischen Denkmäler.
    LAUT, Jens.
    Peter. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986.
  • Guide to Buddhist Philosophy.
    INADA, Kenneth.K.
    Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, 1985.
  • Guide to Buddhist Religion.
    REYNOLDS, Frank.
    E; HOLT, John; STRONG, John. Arts Section by Bardwell SMITH with Holly WALDO and Jonathan C. GLASS. Boston, Mass.: G.K.Hall, 1981.
  • Japan and Korea: A Critical Bibliography.
    SILBERMAN, Bernhard S.
    Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1962.
  • India: A Critical Bibliography.
    MAHAR, J. Michael.
    Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1964.
  • Indian Buddhism: A Survey with Bibliographical Notes.
    NAKAMURA, Hajime.
    Hirakata: KUFS (Kansai University of Foreign Studies), 1980. (Intercultural Research Institute Monograph. 9.) Reprint: Delhi: Motilal, 1987.
  • "Indian, Tibetan and Southeast Asian Buddhist Ethics (With Annotated Bibliography)."
    BROOKS, Douglas.R.
    In: A Bibliographical Guide to Comparative Studies of Ethics. (CARMAN, J. (Ed.)) 1991. pp. 70-101.
  • K.B.S. Bibliography of Standard Reference Books for Japanese Studies with Descriptive Notes (Vol. IV, Religion)
    KISHIMOTO, Hideo.
    Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1966.
  • "Keeping up with recent studies, 11: Buddhism."
    COLLINS, Steven.
    Expository Times 97. pp. 3-8.
  • Khmer Monk Education in the Thai Border Camps [with Bibliography on Khmer Buddhism].
    GYALLAY-PAP, Peter.
    Bangkok?: Khmer-Buddhist Educational Assistance Project (KEAP), 1990.
  • The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue.
    LANCASTER, Lewis.R.
    Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
  • Kurze Bibliographie der Bücher über Japan in Deutsch, Holländisch, Schwedisch und Norwegisch.
    Tokyo: Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai, 1938.
  • "E. Lamotte, History of Indian Buddhism. An Additional Bibliography."
    WEBB, R.
    Premier Colloque Etienne Lamotte (Bruxelles/ Liege 24-27 Septembre 1989). DURT, Hubert (Ed.). Louvain la Neuve: Institut Orientaliste de la Université Catholique de Louvain, 1993. pp. 161-174.
  • "A List of Works on Japanese Buddhism Written in Western Languages."
    NAKAMURA Hajime, ISHIGAMI Zenno.
    Appendix II of Indian & Buddhist Studies in Japan. Distributed by the Japanese Ministry of Education at Unesco Conference, Nov.1957, held in Tokyo.
  • The Literature of the Madhyamka School of Philosophy in India.
    RUEGG, David.
    Seyfort. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1981. (A History of Indian Literature. Volume 7, Fasc.1.)
  • "Littertur om Buddhistisk-Kristen Dialog." [Swedish].
    LANDE, Aasulv.
    Svensk Missionstidskrift 70-4 (1982). pp. 47-53.
  • Mahayana Texts Translated into Western Languages - A Bibliographical Guide.
    PFANDT, Peter.
    Compiled on behalf of the Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Bonn. Revised Edition with Supplement. Köln: E.J. Brill, 1986.
  • Migrants and religion: An Annotated Bibliography.
    Canberra: Australian Govt. Publication Service, 1996.
  • The New Religions of Japan: A Bibliography of Western-Language Materials.
    Byron. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1970.
  • The Nyingma Edition of the sDe-dge bKa'-'gyurbs Tan-'gyur: Research Catalogue and Bibliography.
    DHARMA MUDRANALAYA under the direction of TARTHANG TULKU.
    Oakland, CA.: Dharma Press, 1982.
  • An Outline and an Annotated Bibliographie of Chinese Philosophy.
    CHAN, Wing.
    tsit. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1961.
  • Der Pali-Kanon: Ein Wegweiser durch Aufbau und deutsche Übersetzungen der heiligen Schriften des Buddhismus.
    HECKER, Hellmuth.
    Hamburg: [published privately] 1965.
  • Prajnaparamita Literature.
    CONZE, Edward.
    Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Tokyo: The Reiyukai, 1978. (Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica. Series Maior. 1.)
  • Répertoire du Canon Bouddhique Sino-Japonais – Édition de Taisho. Fascicule Annexe du Hobogirin.
    DEMIÉVILLE, Paul; DURT, Hubert; SEIDEL, Anna.
    Edition révisée et augmentée. Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve Libraire D'Amerique et D'Orient; Tokyo: Maison Franco-Japonaise, 1978.
  • Research in Buddhist Studies: University of Delhi a Descriptive Bibliography.
    SETH, Veda.
    Delhi: Department of Buddhist Studies University of Delhi, 1993.
  • Resources for a Buddhist-Christian encounter: An Annotated Bibliography.
    Wofford Heights, CA: Multifaith Resources, 1993.
  • The Sacred Books of Buddhism: A Catalogue of Selected Works held in the Australian University Library.
    Revised and enlarged edition. Canberra; Miami, FLA.: The Library; Books Australia, 1981.
  • The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal.
    Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1882.
  • A Select Bibliography on the Sanskrit Language for the Use of Students in Sanskrit.
    YUYAMA, Akira.
    Tokyo: The Library of the International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 1983.
  • A Selected Bibliography for the Study of Buddhism in Burma in Western Languages.
    GARD, Richard.
    Abbott. San Francisco: Asia Foundation 1957.
  • "A Selected Bibliography on Ch'an Buddhism in China."
    ZEUSCHNER, Robert.B.
    Journal of Chinese Philosophy 3-3 (1976), pp. 299-311.
  • A Selected List of Books and Articles on Japan in English, French and German.
    BORTON, Huah.
    et al., Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954.
  • A Selected List of Books in Japanese in Western Languages (1945-1960).
    The Information Centre of Asian Studies of the Toyo Bunko.
    Tokyo: The Information Centre of Asian Studies of the Toyo Bunko, 1964.
  • Serie Bibliographies.
    Bruxelles: since 1969.
  • A Short Bibliography on Japan.
    Tokyo: 1936.
  • Some Books in English Useful in Connection with the Study of Buddhism.
    WEEDON, William.S.
    Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1971.
  • Source Materials in Buddhist Studies in Western Languages from the late 19th century to 1989).
    CHIANG, Gary.
    Nantou (Taiwan): Right View Publications, 1993.
  • South and Southeast Asia: A Bibliography of Bibliographies.
    NUNN, G.
    Raymond. Hawaii: East-West Center Library, University of Hawaii, 1966.
  • Southeast Asia - An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Reference Sources in Western Languages.
    HOBBS, C.
    Cecil. 2nd Edition, revised and enlarged. Washington D.C.: Library of Congress, 1964.
  • The State of Buddhist Studies in the World 1972-1997.
    SWEARER, Donald & PROMTA, Sompran.
    Bangkok: Center of Buddhist Studies Chulalongkorn University, 2000.
  • "A Study of Early Buddhism: A bibliographical essay on work related to early Theravada and Sinhalese Buddhism."
    REYNOLDS, Frank.
    The Two Wheels of the Dharma (B. Smith ed.). pp. 6-30, 107-121. ??1972.
  • A Survey of Bibliographies in Western Languages Concerning East and Southeast Asian Studies.
    Tokyo: 1969.
  • Systematische Übersicht über die buddhistische Sanskrit-Literatur / A Systematic Survey of Buddhist Sanskrit Literature.
    BECHERT, Heinz.
    Erster Teil: Vinaya Texte. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1979.
  • "Text, Sources and Bibliography of the Prajnaparamita-hrdayasutra."
    CONZE, Edward.
    Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1948.
  • Thai Buddhism: A Bibliography.
    Bangkok: Thai Studies Research Center Thammasat University, 1985.
  • "Works of Guiseppe Tucci."
    PETECH, Luciano. SCIALPI, Fabio.
    East and West 34: 1/3 (1986). pp.23-42.
  • "The Works of Heinrich Dumoulin: A Select Bibliography."
    WATANABE, Manabu.
    Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 12:2/3 (1985). pp. 263-271.
  • The Works of Professor Bruno Petzold (1873-1949).
    PETZOLD, Arnulf.H.
    Stony Brook, NY.: Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, Melville Memorial Library, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1982.
  • "Verzeichnis der Schriften Erich Frauwallners."
    OBERHAMMER, Gerhard.
    Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südostasiens 20 (1976). pp. 19-36.
  • The Yogacara School of Buddhism: A Bibliography.
    POWERS, John.
    Philadelphia, PA.; Metuchen, NJ.: American Theological Library Association; Scarecrow Press, 1991.
  • Zen Buddhism: A Bibliography of Books and Articles in English, 1882-1975.
    VESSIE, Patricia.
    Armstrong. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1976.
  • Zen Buddhism: A Classified Bibliography of Western Language Publications.
    GARDNER, James.L.
    Salt Lake City, UT.: Wings of Fire Press, 1991.
  • "Zen Buddhism and psychoanalysis: A Bibliographical Essay."
    HAIMES, Norma.
    Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient 15:1 (1972). pp. 22-30.
  • "Zen and Psychotherapie: A Partially Annotated Bibliography."
    LESH, T.
    Journal of Humanistic Psychology 10 (1970). pp. 75-83.

