2010年10月4日 星期一



He rejoices here, he rejoices after death,

in both states does the well-doer rejoice,


He rejoices, he is happy, having seen his own good deeds.


A. 支謙譯北傳〔法句經〕雙要品第九,18偈。


(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 562, b9-10)

B. 了參法師譯 譯自巴利文。


D. Thera Narada 英譯,錫蘭那羅陀長老英譯自巴利文

Here he rejoices, hereafter he rejoices; in both states the well-doer rejoices, he rejoices, exceedingly rejoices, seeing the purity of his own deeds.

E. 淨海法師譯



第二句,巴利文下半句的 kammavisuddhim ,應該是一般譯文的『善業』,依visuddhi為『清淨』而言,依字面翻譯為『清淨的行為』比譯為『善業』準確。

Idha modati pecca modati,

katapuñño ubhayattha modati,

so modati so pamodati,

disvā kammavisuddhimattano.(PTS)

idha, Adv.: here, in this world.

modati, V.: to rejoice, to be happy. The verb root mud-. 3.Sg.act.in.pres. = modati.

pecca, V.: after death. It is a ger. of the verb i- (to go) with the prefix pa- (directional prefix of forward motion). This verb means literally "to go over", it is used as an euphemism for "to die".

katapuñño: katapuñña-, N.m.: a good man, one who has done good deeds. A compound of:
kata-, Adj.: done. A p.p. of kar- (to do).
puñña-, N.n.: good deed, meritorious deed, merit.
Nom.Sg. = katapuñño.

ubhayattha, Adv.: in both cases.

so: tad-, pron.: it. Masculine form: so. Nom.Sg. = so.

pamodati, V.: to rejoice, to be happy, to be glad, to be satisfied. The verb root mud- with the strengthening prefix pa-. 3.Sg.act.in.pres. = pamodati.

disvā, V.: having seen. A ger. from the verb dis-, to see.

kammavisuddhim: kammavisuddhi-, N.n.: good deed. A compound of:
kamma-, N.n.: deed, action. Derived from the verb kar- (to do).
visuddhi-, N.f.: brightness, purity, virtue.
Acc.Sg. = kammavisuddhim.

attano, attan-, N.m.: self. Gen.Sg. = attano (one's own).

    The first line consists of loosely connected sentences. They are:

    1) idha modati ([the well-doer] rejoices here). Here the subject is omitted (it is the word katapuñño from the third sentence). The verb modati (rejoices) is in 3rd person singular, present tense, active voice, indicative. The adverb idha (here) is an attribute to the verb.

    2) pecca modati ([the well-doer] rejoices after death). Again, the subject is the word katapuñño from the following sentence. The verb is modati (as above). The gerund pecca (having gone) is an attribute to the verb.

    3) katapuñño ubhayattha modati (the well-doer rejoices in both states). The subject of this sentence (and of the two previous ones) is the word katapuñño (well-doer). It is in nominative singular. The verb is modati (explained above). The adverb ubhayattha (in both places) serves as an attribute to the verb.

    The second line consists of two segments:

    1) so modati so pamodati (he rejoices, he is happy). These two sentences are paratactic. They both have the word so (he, nominative singular) as a subject and verbs modati (rejoices, 3rd person singular, present tense, active voice, indicative) and pamodati (is happy, 3rd person singular, present tense, active voice, indicative) respectively.

    2) disvā kammavisudhim attano (having seen his own good deeds). This clause is subordinated to the previous one. It is introduced by the verb disvā (having seen, gerund). The word kammavisuddhim (good deeds, accusative singular) forms an object. The word attano (one's own, genitive singular) is an attribute to the object.


    In direct contrast to the verse 15, if we commit good deeds, helping all living beings in different ways, we will not only be happy in this life, having the satisfaction of doing good deeds, but we will also obtain a favorable rebirth. So, when we see our good deeds, we rejoice in the knowledge thereof.

