2024年9月7日 星期六

阿含字典 92:無記 avyākata

avyākata 的字義為「不予解說」、「不回答」、「不談論、不探討」。
1. 世間常 sassato loko(this world is eternal)
2. 世間無常 asassata loko(this world is not eternal)
3. 世間亦常亦無常 wāwvataw cāwāwvataw ca(梵);(this world is both eternal and not eternal)
4. 世間非常非無常 naiva wāwvato nāwāwvataw ca(梵);this world is neither eternal nor not eternal
5. 世間有邊 antavā loko(this world is finite)
6. 世間無邊 anantavā loko(this world is infinite)
7. 世間亦有邊亦無邊 antavāṁw cānantavāṁw ca(梵);(this world is both finite and infinite)
8. 世間非有邊非無邊 naivāntavāṁ nānantavāṁ(梵);(this world is neither finite nor infinite)
9. 如來死後有 hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā(after death a tathāgata exists)
10. 如來死後無 na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā(after death a tathāgata does not exist)
11. 如來死後亦有亦非有 hoti ca na ca hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā(after death a tathāgata both exists and does not exist)
12. 如來死後非有非非有 neva hoti na na hoti tathāgato paraṁ maraṇā(after death a tathāgata neither exists nor does not exist)
13. 命身一(命即身) taṁ jīvaṁ taṁ sarīraṁ(the soul and the body are the same)
14. 命身異(命身異) aṅṅaṁ jīvaṁ aṅṅaṁ sarīraṁ(the soul is one thing and the body another).

「世間常」等十四無記,「無記」(avyākata 無法斷言),前十二句問「有、無」,後二問「一、異」。
巴利三藏講「十無記」,沒有 3. 世間常無常,4. 世間非常非無常,7. 世有邊無邊,8. 世非有邊非無邊。
另參考《箭喻經》(《中阿含221經》卷60〈例品 4〉:「箭喻經」(CBETA, T01, no. 26, p. 804, a21))
