2023年9月15日 星期五


Bhikkhu Anālayo: The Role of Absorption for Entering the Stream
本文的主要目的是探討證入「預流」(初果)所需「定 samādhi」的程度或類型。探索此一議題的首先要考察巴利經典與其對應的阿含經所提及的「定 samādhi」("composure" or "collectedness")與「心一境性 ekagga/ekāgra and ekodi/ekoti」,以確認它們的含義範圍。 在審慎地檢驗支持「禪定(jhāna/dhyana)對證入預流(初果)是不可或缺的」信念的重要論點之後,「禪定(jhāna/dhyana)」的重要性和扮演角色與初期佛教解脫體系中的「念住」形成對比。
The main purpose of this article is to explore the topic of the degree or type of concentration required in order to be able to attain stream-entry. The exploration of this topic begins by surveying references to concentration (samādhi), perhaps better translated as "composure" or "collectedness", and to unification (ekagga/ekāgra and ekodi/ekoti) of the mind in Pāli discourses and their Āgama parallels, in order to ascertain their scope of meaning. After a critical examination of selected arguments advanced in support of the belief that the attainment of absorption (jhāna/dhyana) is indispensable for progress to stream-entry, the role and importance of absorption is contrasted with that of mindfulness in the early Buddhist scheme of deliverance.

