2022年1月3日 星期一

《中部 76經》 : 「傳誦,或者正確,或者不正確;或者真實,或者不真實。」

1. 《中部76經》裡,阿難提到:「口誦傳承或者記憶得正確,或者記憶得不正確;它可能是正確的,也有可能是錯誤的。」(M i 520, 6)
2. 《增支部4.160經》特別關注下列兩項:「意義正確地 sātthaṃ 」、「字句正確地 sabyañjanaṃ」說法。byañjana 有時寫作 vyañjana ,意為「子音、音節、字句」,長老菩提比丘此處譯為「phrasing (讀寫字句)」。
除了此處貼文指出的巴利經文偶爾傳誦有失誤之外,Bhikkhu Dhammavihari 的論文也顯示『註釋書』並不全然可信。 Bhikkhu Dhammavihari 的論文說:
「Therefore it goes without saying that for a correct transmission of the Buddha word from generation to generation, one must ensure that the original Pali texts are correctly understood. This requires that one gains mastery of the Pali language, including all aspects like the historical growth of of the language, paying due heed to stratification during various time periods. 所以不用再強調就知道,為了一代一代正確地傳承佛陀的語言(教導),我們必須確保能正確理解原先的巴利經文。要能達到此一目的,就必須精通巴利語言,包含各種層面,如語言隨著歷史的增長擴充,對各年代的『語言地層』有恰當的關注。」
「Our studies in the field, covering much more than half a century, has brought to light a vast account of such misunderstandings and therefore of misrenderings in the translation of Buddhist texts in Pali, both into English and Sinhala. 我們的研究已在此一領域超過五十年,此一研究顯示了大量過去對經文的誤解,也因而導致對巴利佛教經文的眾多錯誤翻譯,包括翻譯作英文與錫蘭語。」
《中部 76經》(M i 520,6) : sussutam pi hoti dussutam pi hoti, tathā pi hoti aññathā pi hoti. 傳誦,或者正確、或者不正確,或者真實、或者不真實。
《中部76經,旃陀經》(M i, 520),長老菩提比丘的英文翻譯為(The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, page 624, line 23):
「Again, Sandaka, here some teacher is a traditionalist, one who regards oral tradition as truth; he teaches a Dhamma by oral tradition, by legends handed down, by the authority of the collections. But when a teacher is a traditionalist, one who regards oral tradition as truth, some is well transmitted and some badly transmitted, some is true and some is otherwise.」

