2020年12月6日 星期日

書房夜話 323:辛島靜志〈三部《雜阿含經》(《大正藏》99、100、101) 原語問題及其所屬部派之考察〉 --------- 這一篇論文最先以英文稿在2018年底阿根廷的「《雜阿含》國際學術研討會」發表,當時辛島老師以網路方式在會中宣讀論文,並參與討論。 此後不久,辛島老師以「主題演講 Keynote Speech」方式,以中文發表此篇的簡約式論文,全文應以《佛光學報》第六卷第二期所刊載的全文為準。 這當中,辛島老師仍然就此文幫我說明他自己的主張與立場。 2019年七月,老師在學術生涯的顛峰離開我們。 --------- Dear Su laoshi, You misunderstood my conclusion completely. I wrote that T99 was recited by Gunabhadra 求那跋陀羅 probably by memory and not based on the manuscript from Sri Lanka. It was recited by Gunabhadra who was a Sarvāstivādin, therefore T99 belongs to the Sarvāstivādins. On the other hand, T.100 was translated from the manuscript which Faxian obtained in Sri Lanka and belongs to the Mahisasakas. Moreover, in his travelogue, Faxian writes that he obtained the Vinaya, the DĀ and the SĀ in question and the Zazang of the Mahīsasaka school. Therefore, my conclusion is different from yours. I am now in Seoul and going to talk on the same topic tomorrow in Chinese at the conference of 漢語佛典語言學研討會. I am herewith sending you my paper in Chinese which may help you by understanding my arguments. With best wishes, Seishi Karashima Nov 2, 2018, 8:13 PM

