2020年3月13日 星期五

書房夜話 88:與白瑞德教授的一則通信

蘇錦坤, 〈「讚佛偈」--兼論《雜阿含經》、《別譯雜阿含經》與《相應部》異同〉,《法鼓佛學學報》15期,67-108頁,2014年,法鼓佛教學院,新北市,台灣。
  1. 1. 白教授不願掠人之美。
  2. 2. 白教授時間忙不過來,對於自己無法審定的論文去掛名,一般老牌的西方學者不肯如此掛名。)
今年是 2020 年,在我的論文發表之後已經過了六年,仍然不見白教授刊出他的英文論文(2018年白瑞德教授對他的初稿再訂正了一版,並且發給我,不恥下問地要我給他出一些意見,不過兩篇論文之間仍然有相當顯著的詮釋差異)。2018年阿根廷會議時,原擬和白教授共同以此題目作一次報告。但是白教授在澳洲,我在台灣,有一些技術問題頗難解決,只好各自選另一個題目報告了。
Dear Rod,

 為了讓我此篇論文顯得易讀而條理分明,我決定將它分成兩篇。第一篇論文專注在 Vetter 和 Paul Harrison 何理巽的論文的簡介與評論,我將校讀 T150A 《七處三觀經》,並對古譯經文標註現代標點符號。第二篇論文則針對Paul Harrison 何理巽的論文 (1997),我將回應何理巽的觀點,並且討論 T150A 《七處三觀經》漢譯的作者。
Vetter, Tilmann & Harrison, Paul, (1998), ‘An Shigao’s Chinese Translation of the Saptasthānasūtra’, in Paul Harrison and Gregory Schopen, eds., Sūryacandrā: Essays in Honour of Akira Yuyama On the Occasion of His 65th Birthday ( Indica et Tibetica 35), Swisttal-Odendorf: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, p. 197-216.

(2) stylistic variation of what in Indic parallels are set phrases.


(2) 譯文與印度語系經文的文體差異為固定套語(的不同)。

Best regards,

Ken Su, 2011年11月22日
Dear Ken,
Sorry to learn that you have been suffering from the problem called "writer's block". I am familiar with this problem myself, and also in my past PhD students. I think that sometimes the best solution is just to put the writing aside for a few weeks and then come back to it with a rested and refreshed mind. Anyhow, I get the impression that you are already recovering well from the problem.
At least I can help you with the difficult English passage:
(2) stylistic variation of what in Indic parallels are set phrases.

It seems you have indeed misunderstood it, and actually it is not well expressed. What it refers to is explained in footnote 9 on page 213. Here the Indic set phrase is yathaabhuutam, and An Shigao has rendered it by seven different Chinese phrases: 本 , 如諦 , etc. He seems to have done this in order to achieve stylistic variation, i.e. to avoid monotony. In the footnote Harrison expresses it like this: "extreme variation in the choice of Chinese equivalents for a single Indic term", which is easier to understand. Perhaps you could try translating that phrase into Chinese. Here is my attempt, which of course is not very good Chinese and probably is even misleading:
(2) 印度語系經文有一個固定的套語 而 譯文卻(為了文體變化)用多種不同的詞語。
I hope this helps, and I hope you soon make a full recovery from your writer's block.
Rod, 2011年11月22日
蘇錦坤,(2012a),〈《七處三觀經》研究(1)---《七處三觀1經》校勘與標點---兼對 Tilmann Vetter 與 Paul Harrison 論文的回應〉,《福嚴佛學研究》7期,1-74頁,新竹市,台灣。
蘇錦坤,(2012b),〈《七處三觀經》結構與譯者---兼對 Paul Harrison 論文的回應〉,《正觀》62期,99-192頁,南投縣,台灣。

