2019年8月9日 星期五

Johannes Bronkhorst 白朗克「佛教與婆羅門」三書

白朗克「佛教與婆羅門」三書 1. "Greater Magadha", 《大摩竭陀區》 2. "Buddhism in the Shadow of Brahmanism", 《婆羅門教陰影下的佛教》 3. "How the Brahmins Won: From Alexander to the Guptas", 《婆羅門教如何贏得勝利:從亞歷山大到笈多王朝》 曾有一位老師問我:「如果要舉一位在 K. R. Norman 之後的重要佛教文獻學者,你會選哪一位?」 當時我的回答是「Johannes Bronkhorst 白朗克」。(現在,我可能會舉 Richard Salomon 邵瑞祺或 Oskar von Hinueber 封興伯。) 這位老師說:「喔,他可能算不上是一位佛教文獻學者 Buddhist Philologist,他的一些著作也頗有爭議。」 不過,我喜歡他的學風,他經常破除陳舊的枷鎖,而對古代印度(佛陀時代)提出一種截然不同的看法。 https://www.academia.edu/29186287/How_the_Brahmins_Won_From_Alexander_to_the_Guptas ------------- The first, Greater Magadha, studied the culture of the eastern parts of the Ganges valley, a culture that was originally independent but came to be largely absorbed into Brahmanical culture, and which contributed many defining features to the latter. The second book in the trilogy, Buddhism in the Shadow of Brahmanism, depicted how Buddhism in India, in spite of remaining nominally independent, underwent such strong brahmanization that it can be said to have joined forces with Brahmanism, in vain as it turned out. The present book concentrates on the extraordinary success story of Brahmanism, which developed from a move-ment in danger of extinction during the last centuries before the Common Era into one that, in less than a millennium, succeeded in imposing its imprint on the Indian subcontinent and much of Southeast Asia, and did this without the help of a conquering army or an all-powerful empire. Religious conversion cannot have played a role, for one could not convert to Brahmanism. This book seeks to understand how the Brahmins did it

