2019年8月11日 星期日


  西元 1980 年之後,巴利《尼柯耶》與覺音論師「註釋書」初期傳入台灣時,有些人總是將其抬舉到「佛口親說」、「比古代漢譯《阿含》優越」的高度。 
關則富老師重申此說,而提出「How Closely Should We Follow the Commentarial Tradition? 我們應遵循巴利註釋書傳統到怎樣的程度?」,或者,換一種方式來說:「我們怎樣知道巴利註釋書在此處出了錯?」 
Norman (2004: 69–72) suggests that the commentarial tradition sometimes does not agree with philology and is not always correct in interpreting the Nikāyas. 
前巴利聖典協會會長諾曼認為,「註釋書傳統」的註解有時與「philology 文獻學」不同,「註釋書」在解釋尼柯耶時並非總是正確。 
K. R. Norman, (2004), ‘On Translating the Suttanipāta’, Buddhist Studies Review 21/1: 69–84. 
關則富老師說(關老師的許多論文以英文發表,造成漢語讀者較難得知他的論說。): 「Moreover, the Pali commentaries and subcommentaries are separated from the sutta texts by more than seven or eight centuries. They are even later than many Chinese ranslations of the Indic texts. The four Āgamas in Chinese translation from various traditions (see Section 6.3 below) correspond to the four main Nikāyas of the Theravāda tradition. They were translated from Prakrit languages or Sanskrit into Chinese in the 4th and 5th centuries CE. 進一步說,巴利的『註 aṭṭhakathā』與『疏 ṭīkā』距離經的結集至少有七、八百年,其中有些甚至比漢譯還晚(覺音論師的註含有古註,但是頗難判定和辨識),與巴利四《尼柯耶》對應的漢譯四阿含譯自不同的部派傳統(如 6.3 節所示),它們在西元第四、五世紀譯自俗語或梵語。」 
關則富老師引 Sharf 說: 
Sharf (2002: 12) says: 「Our appraisal of the accuracy of Chinese translations and interpretations is, therefore, compromised by our own distance from the Indic originals. Indeed, we are at a far greater temporal and geographic remove from the Indian sources than were the Chinese of the Six Dynasties and the T’ang. 我們對漢譯精準程度的評估被現代學者與『印度語系原典』的距離所影響,確實,我們與『印度語系原典』的距離,不管是時間上還是空間上,都遠於中國六朝和唐朝的譯者。」 
關則富老師接著說:「It is not sensible to confine our research to the Pali sources, which just belong to a single tradition of the Theravāda school. The (Hybrid) Sanskrit and Chinese sources from different traditions may cast valuable light on the issues of translating Pali texts into English. 將我們的研究侷限在巴利文獻並不合理,那只是上座部的某個單一傳統;相對於此,漢譯文獻和梵語文獻源自多個不同的部派傳統,它們將有助於巴利文獻的英譯。」

