2017年3月16日 星期四

《增支部》(AN 2.51):「(不)由勢力與執取而固執」

Yishou 法友在 2017/3/12 提到:
諸比丘!於此世中,有諸比丘,提起法或非法之諍,彼等既提其諍而相互作解,為欲解故而集會。又使之深慮、為欲深慮故集會。彼等有解力、有深慮力、惟欲解決,遂將彼諍,由勢力與執取而固執,並不語唯此為真,其他即偽。如此〔諸比丘所居之〕會眾,諸比丘!是謂說法會眾。諸比丘!此等是二種會眾,此等二種會眾中之殊勝者即是說法會眾。」」(CBETA, N19, no. 7, p. 102, a14-p. 103, a9 // PTS. A. 1. 75 - PTS. A. 1. 76)
  元亨寺版《增支部》譯文無上述「由勢力與執取而固執」的「不」字,yishou 法友認為應增加此一「不」字。
比丘們!什麼是如法說的團體呢?比丘們!這裡,那個團體中的比丘們合法或非法地拿起諍訟,拿起該諍訟後,他們彼此信服,走向和解,[彼此]同意,走向和睦,他們有和解力、有和睦力、遣捨己見,剛毅地執取、執著該諍訟而說:『這才正確,其它都錯。』比丘們!這被稱如法說的團體。」(AN 2.52)
「什麼是如法而說的會眾?比丘們!在這世上,若有一會眾,其中的比丘們提出諍訟,或如法或非法。他們提出那諍訟後,互相勸解並達成和解,既審察也接受審察。由於有和解力與審察力、他們放下執著而商議,堅持、頑固地執取那諍訟而宣稱:『唯此是真,其餘是假。』這稱為如法而說的會眾。」(AN 2.51)
參照菩提比丘的英譯,顯然 元亨寺版《增支部》漏譯了此一「不」字:
And what is the assembly that speaks Dhamma? Here, in this kind of assembly the bhikkhus take up a disciplinary issue, one that may accord with the Dhamma or be contrary to the Dhamma. Having taken up the issue, they persuade one another and allow themselves to be persuaded; they deliber­ate and welcome deliberation. Possessing the power of persuasion and the power of deliberation, willing to relinquish their opinion, they do not wrongly grasp that disciplinary issue even more tightly, nor, adhering to their position,do they declare: 'This alone is true; anything else is wrong'.

Yishou 法友此處的主張是合理的。

