2017年1月5日 星期四


1944 年,薛丁格寫了一本書:《生命是什麼 What is life?》,這本書影響非常深遠,也開創了「分子生物學」這門學問。
1962年因發現DNA雙螺旋結構而得諾貝爾生物及醫學獎的 James D. Watson 華生和 Francis Crick 克里克坦承受到這本書的啟發。
幾十年後,生物結構學的大師裴魯茲 Perutz 說,《生命是什麼 What is life?》這本書影響後世很大,但是,這本書正確的部分沒有原創性,有原創性而影響深遠的部分,則完全錯誤。 
HC 來函指正:(http://hctranslations.blogspot.tw/2017/01/vsvs.html
其實原文的說法不是這樣,它的指控在某些方面更嚴重 (即,寫'What is Life?'時,並沒參考當時的較新的文獻,所以不知道那些當時已經知道了),不過,它沒採用"全數"否定之說法,它這樣說:(原文。斜體字):
I was asked by the organizers of the Schrödinger Centenary Symposium to review the influence of his book on molecular biology. I accepted with the intention of doing honor to Schrödinger's memory, but to my disappointment, a close study of his book and of the related literature has shown me that what was true in his book was not original, and most of what was original was known not to be true even when the book was written. The book also ignores some crucial discoveries that were published before it went into print. It is more fiction than science, which may account for its huge sales.
版主翻譯如下:(生物結構學的大師裴魯茲 Perutz 說:)
薛丁格(Schrödinger)百年誕辰紀念研討會的籌組單位邀請我評論此書(《生命是什麼 What is life?》)在生物分子學(molecular biology)的影響。

