2012年10月15日 星期一





《法句經》卷1〈11 心意品〉第6頌:

「念無適止,不絕無邊,福能遏惡,覺者為賢。」(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 563, a10-11)

佛光山出版的「中國佛教經典寶藏精選白話版 89」(1997年出版),由中國武漢大學教授吳根友釋譯的《法句經》,在80 頁的解釋為:



anavassutacittassa ananvāhatacetaso

puññapāpapahīnassa natthi jāgarato bhayaṃ


There is no fear for a person, whose mind is free of passions and not perplexed,
who has abandoned the idea of "good" and "bad" and who is watchful.


Decasanti 幫我們譯出巴利註解:


anavassutacittassa ananvāhatacetaso

puññapāpapahīnassa natthi jāgarato bhayaṃ.



anavassutacittassa 對於心不被煩惱污染的人而言。

ananvāhatacetaso 心被重擊的人,就是心中已生起煩惱的人,事實上,如同心被惡念所攻擊。所以此中的意思是:對於心不被惡念所攻擊的人而言。

puññapāpapahīnassa 對於以第四道捨棄罪與福的阿羅漢而言。

natthi jāgarato bhayaṃ 煩惱已熄滅的阿羅漢沒有怖畏,如同警醒的人沒有怖畏一樣。稱阿羅漢為「警醒」,是由於具足五種醒的特性:即信、勤、念、定、慧。因此他不怕煩惱,不管是睡或醒的時候,因為煩惱不會再回來。煩惱不會追逐他,因為以四道所斷除的煩惱不會回來。對此真正的理由是:初果向所斷的煩惱,他不會再退到這些煩惱,不會再現起這些煩惱;同樣的,為其他三道所斷的煩惱,也不會再現起。


Sentence Structure:
List of

an+avassuta+cittassa  an+anvāhata+cetaso
|           |            |         |         |            |
neg.   Adj.      N.m.   neg.   Adj.      N.m.
|______|       Gen.Sg.   |_____|       Gen.Sg.
     |__________|              |__________|

List of Abbreviations

puñña+pāpa+pahīnassa na      atthi       jāgarato   bhayaṃ
|             |            |         |           |                |            |
N.n.    N.n.    Adj.m.   neg.  V.act.in.     Adj.m.     N.n.
|_______|      Gen.Sg.     |     3.Sg.act.   Gen.Sg.  Nom.Sg.
       |__________|          |______|                |            |
_________|______________|____________|            |
                            |             |___________________|

Vocabulary and Grammar:

anavassutacittassa: anavassutacitta-, N.m.: one, whose mind is not filled with desires. It is a compound of:
anavassuta-, Adj.: not filled with desire. A negated (by the negative prefix an-)
    word avassuta-, Adj.: leaking, (fig.) filled with desire. It is a p.p. of the verb su-
    (to flow) with the prefix ava- (down, away from).
citta-, N.n.: mind.
Gen.Sg. = anavassutacittassa.

ananvāhatacetaso: ananvāhataceto-, N.m.: one, whose mind is not perplexed.
It is a compound of:
ananvāhata-, Adj.: not perplexed. A negated (by the negative prefix an-)
    word anvāhata-, Adj.: struck, beaten, perplexed. It is a p.p. of the verb han-
    (to strike) with the prefixes anu- (along) and ā- (towards).
ceto-, N.n.: mind.
Gen.Sg. = ananvāhatacetaso.

puññapāpapahīnassa: puññapāpapahīna-, N.m.: one who has abandoned the idea of "good and bad". A compound of:
puñña-, N.n.: merit, goodness, virtue, meritorious action.
pāpa-, N.n.: evil, badness, wrong doing.
pahīna-, Adj.: abandoned. It is a p.p. of the verb hā- (to leave, to give up)
    with the strengthening prefix pa-.
Gen.Sg. = puññapāpapahīnassa.

na, neg.: not.

atthi, V.: is. The verb root as- (to be). 3.Sg.in.act.pres. = atthi. Euphonic combination: na + atthi = natthi.

jāgarato: jāgarant-, Adj.: awake, watchful. It is an a.pr.p. of the verb jāgarati (to be awake). Gen.Sg. = jāgarato.

bhayaṃ: bhaya-, N.n.: fear. Nom.Sg. = bhayaṃ.


    The subject of the sentence is the word bhayaṃ (fear, nominative singular) and the verb is atthi (is, 3rd person, singular, active, indicative, present tense) negated by the negative particle na (not). There is a multiple object, consisting of four words: 1) anavassutacittassa (of the one, whose mind is not filled with desires), 2) ananvāhatacetaso (of the one, whose mind is not perplexed), 3) puññapāpapahīnassa (of the one, who has abandoned the idea of "good" and "bad") and 4) jāgarato (of the watchful one). They all have to agree and are therefore in genitive singular.


    The story for this verse is identical with the previous one (DhP 38).
    If the mind is unsteady, the confidence in the Teaching wavering and one is not really resolved to do anything about it, the wisdom will not grow. But with a strong conscientiousness and watchfulness, the mind can get rid of the passions and unsteadiness. Then one is able to abandon all the ideas of good and evil and become free, just like the man from our story did. 

