2012年8月15日 星期三


支謙《法句經》〈32 愛欲品〉1
「心放在婬行,欲愛增枝條,分布生熾盛,超躍貪果猴。」(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 570, c17-18)
《出曜經》卷5〈3 愛品〉第4偈:「意如放逸者,[5]猶如摩樓樹,在在處處遊,如猿遊求菓。」(CBETA, T04, no. 212, p. 633, b6-7)[5]猶如摩樓=愛憎如梨【宋】【元】,=愛增如梨【明】。
《法集要頌經》卷1〈3 貪品〉第4偈:「貪著放逸者,如猿逢果樹,貪意甚堅牢,趣而還復趣。」(CBETA, T04, no. 213, p. 778, b23-24)
Manujassa pamattacārino,
taṇhā vaḍḍhati māluvā viya;
so plavatī hurāhuraṃ,
phalamicchaṃva vanasmi vānaro.
The thirst of the person of careless actions
grows just like a creeper.
He flows from existence to existence,
just like a monkey in the forest desiring fruits.

manujassa pamatta+cārino
|                     |            |
N.m.           Adj.     Adj.m.
Gen.Sg.          |      Gen.Sg.
|                     |_______|

taṇhā          vaḍḍhati    māluvā viya
    |                   |              |         |
  N.f.          V.act.in.     N.f.    part.
Nom.Sg.    3.Sg.pres. Nom.Sg.   |
__|                    |              |_____|

so             plavatī hurāhuraṃ
|                    |             |
Pron.m.   V.act.in.    Adv.
Nom.Sg. 3.Sg.pres.      |
|                    |_______|

phalam  icchaṃva va    vanasmi   vānaro
|                 |           |          |             |
N.n.       Adj.m.   part.    N.n.       N.m.
Acc.Sg. Nom.Sg.    |     Loc.Sg.  Nom.Sg.
|                 |______|______|              |
|_____________|     |                         |

manujassa: manuja-, N.m.: man, person, human being. Gen.Sg. = manujassa.
pamattacārino: pamattacārin-, Adj.: of negligent actions, acting carelessly. It is a compound of:
pamatta-, Adj.: negligent. It is a p.p. of the verb mad- (to be intoxicated) with the strengthening prefix pa- (thus pamajjati = to be careless, to neglect).
cārin-, N.m.: living, acting. Derived by the suffix -in from the verb car- (to walk, to act).
Gen.Sg.m. = pamattacārino.

taṇhā: taṇha-, N.f.: thirst, craving. Nom.Sg. = taṇhā.
vaḍḍhati, V.: grows, increases. The verb root is vaḍḍh-. 3.Sg.act.in.pres. = vaḍḍhati.
māluvā : māluva-, N.f.: creper. Nom.Sg. = māluvā .
viya, part.: as, like.
so: tad-, Pron.n.: it. Nom.Sg.m. = so (he).
plavatī, V.: floats, swims. The verb root is plu-. 3.Sg.act.in.pres. = plavatī.
hurāhuraṃ, Adv.: from existence to existence, from here to there, from this world to the other world. Derived from the word huraṃ, Adv.: there, in the other world.
phalam: phala-, N.n.: fruit. Acc.Sg. = phalam.
icchaṃ: icchant-, Adj.: wanting, desiring. It is an a.pr.p. of the verb root icch- (to want, to desire). Nom.Sg.m. = icchaṃ.
va, part.: as, like.
vanasmi: vana-, N.n.: forest. Loc.Sg. = vanasmi.
vānaro: vānara-, N.m.: monkey. Nom.Sg. = vānaro.
    This verse consists of two syntactically separate sentences. They are:
    1) manujassa pamattacārino taṇhā vaḍḍhati māluvā viya (the thirst of the person of careless actions grows just like a creeper).The subject is the noun taṇhā (thirst, nominative singular). It has an attribute the noun manujassa (of a person, genitive singular) with its attribute, the adjective compound pamattacārino (of careless actions, genitive singular). There is also a clause dependent on the subject, the noun māluvā (creeper, nominative singular). It is connected to the subject by the particle viya (as, like). The verb is vaḍḍhati (grows, 3rd person, singular, active, indicative, present tense).
    2) so plavatī hurahuraṃ phalamicchaṃ va vanasmi vānaro (he flows from existence to existence, just like a monkey in the forest desiring fruits). This can be further analysed into the main sentence a) and the dependent clause b):
    a) so plavatī hurahuraṃ (he flows from existence to existence). The subject is the personal pronoun so (he, nominative singular). The verb is plavatī (flows, 3rd person, singular, active, indicative, present tense). It has an attribute, the adverb hurahuraṃ (from existence to existence).
    b) phalam icchaṃ va vanasmi vānaro (just like a monkey in the forest desiring fruits). The subject is the noun vānaro (monkey, nominative singular). The verb is in the active present participle, icchaṃ (wanting, nominative singular). It has an attribute, the noun vanasmi (in the forest, locative singular). The object is the noun phalam (fruit, accusative singular). The clause is connected to the main sentence by the particle va (as, like).

以忠實的文句結構來翻譯巴利《法句經》334偈的話,第一句的主詞是「貪欲 taṇhā」,動詞是「vaḍḍhati 蔓延、增長」,此一動詞為第三人稱單數現在式。
第二句的主詞是「他 so」(巴利與梵文所用的佉盧、婆羅迷、天城、悉曇等字體,都沒有所謂的「大寫字體」),動詞是「plavatī 漂流,快速地變換地方(此處譯作「輪轉」)」,此一動詞為第三人稱單數現在式。主詞他,指上一句提到的「放逸者」。
這也就是,為什麼我主張不要用「每句整齊的字數」來翻譯詩偈的原因。因為,不管是漢語詩,還是外語詩,構成一首詩的要件是「押韻」,而不是每句的字數一樣,現代白話文的翻譯過程既然表達不出原詩的「韻 metre」,還是以忠實反映原詩的句子結構和句意為重,而不要去湊字,硬把翻譯湊成每句的字數一樣。
III.《中部˙優婆離經》---佛教的業說---黃柏棋翻譯(p. 77-106)
以黃柏棋《中部優婆離經》的翻譯為例,佛經翻譯以能完整表達經文涵義為主,實際上沒有必要因為翻譯偈頌而要湊成「整齊的句式」,以 102頁第一行的「人成就沙門,大士最後身」,相信在台灣找任何一位佛學院學生也不知譯文的意趣。以 102頁第6行的「人牛不可量,甚深得牟尼」,就完全令讀者「臨表涕泣,不知所云」了。如果譯文無法讓讀者直接讀到文意,就必須加上適當的註解。否則,讀者讀不懂譯文,翻譯也就落空了。
我們讀到了在巴利《法句經》334偈(第24品〈貪欲品 taṇhā〉第1偈),第四句最後一個字 vānaro 猴子,是的,我們看到了猴子。
《出曜經》卷5〈3 愛品〉第4偈:「意如放逸者,[5]猶如摩樓樹,在在處處遊,如猿遊求菓。」(CBETA, T04, no. 212, p. 633, b6-7)[5]猶如摩樓=愛憎如梨【宋】【元】,=愛增如梨【明】。
從對照閱讀可以讀出《大正藏》的經文正文「猶如摩樓樹」,「摩樓」其實不是「梨樹(amba 芒果樹)」,而是「māluvā 蔓藤」,這就是為什麼要求讀書須先校勘,校勘應該作「校勘註記」,而不能直接改字的原因。
依據《出曜經》卷5〈3 愛品〉第三偈:
「以欲網自蔽, 以愛蓋自覆,
自恣縛於獄, 如魚入於獄,
為老死所伺, 若犢求母乳。
『以欲網自蔽』者,…。『以愛蓋自覆』者,…。『自恣縛於獄』者,…。『如魚入於獄』者,…。『為老死所伺,如犢求母乳』也,…是故說曰『為老死所伺,如犢求母乳』。」(CBETA, T04, no. 212, p. 632, c28-p. 633, b5)

《出曜經》卷5〈3 愛品〉第四偈:
在在處處遊,如猿遊求菓。」(CBETA, T04, no. 212, p. 633, b6-7)。

《法集要頌經》卷1〈3 貪品〉:
「以欲網自弊, 以愛蓋自覆,
愚情自恣縛, 如魚入釣手。
死命恒來逼, 如犢逐愛母,
貪著放逸者, 如猿逢果樹。
貪意甚堅牢, 趣而還復趣,
夫貪愛潤澤, 思想為滋蔓。」(CBETA, T04, no. 213, p. 778, b20-25)


