2010年10月7日 星期四



The streams flow everywhere,


The creeper sprung up and stands firm,


having seen that creeper grown,


cut off its root with your wisdom.


A. 支謙譯北傳《法句經》卷2〈32 愛欲品〉:


(CBETA, T04, no. 210, p. 571, a9-10)

B. 了參法師譯 譯自巴利文。


C. Thera Narada 英譯,錫蘭那羅陀長老英譯自巴利文

The streams (cravings) flow everywhere, the creeper sprouts and stands, seeing the creeper that has sprung up, with wisdom cut off the root.

D. 淨海法師譯


Savanti sabbadhi sotā,

latā uppajja tiṭṭhati,

tañca disvā latajāta,

mūla paññāya chindatha.(PTS)

Sentence Structure:

savanti  sabbadhi  sotā         latā   ubbhijja  tiṭṭhati
|                  |          |              |           |            |
V.act.in.   Adv.    N.m.       N.f.     V.ger. V.act.in.
3.Pl.pres.     |     Nom.Pl. Nom.Sg.     |     3.Sg.pres.
|__________|          |              |           |_______|
         |___________|              |__________|

List of Abbreviations

ta        ca   disvā  lata    jāta mūla  paññāya chindatha
|              |         |        |             |          |            |             |
Pron.f. conj. V.ger.  N.f.      Adj.f.    N.n.      N.f.      V.act.
Acc.Sg.   |         |    Acc.Sg. Acc.Sg. Acc.Sg. Ins.Sg.  2.Pl.imp.
|              |         |        |_______|           |            |_______|
|________|_____|________|                  |__________|
                         |____|                                   |

Vocabulary and Grammar:

savanti, V.: flow. The verb root is su- (to flow). 3.Pl.act.in.pres. = savanti.

sabbadhi, Adv.: everywhere, in every respect.

sotā: sota-, N.m.: stream. Nom.Pl. = sotā.

latā: lata-, N.f.: creeper, creeping plant. Nom.Pl. = latā.

uppajja: (uppajja 為ubbhijjati 的現在分詞) ubbhijja, V.ger.: having sprung up, having burst upwards. The verb root is bhid- (to break) with the prefix ud- (up).

tiṭṭhati, V.: stands. The verb root is tha-. 3.Sg.act.in.pres. = tiṭṭhati.

ta: tad-, Pron.: that. Acc.Sg.f.: ta.

ca, conj.: and.

disva, V.: having seen. It is a ger. of the verb dis-, to see.

lata: lata-, N.f.: see above. Acc.Sg. = lata.

jāta: jāta-, Adj.: born, grown, become. It is a p.p. of the verb jan- (to be born). Acc.Sg.f. = jāta. (jāyati 的【過去分詞】)

mūla: mūla-, N.n.: root, ground, foundation. Acc.Sg. = mūla.

paññāya: pañña-, N.f.: wisdom. Ins.Sg. = paññāya.

chindatha, V.: cut off, destroy. The verb root is chid-. 2.Pl.act.imp. = chindatha.

    This verse consists of three syntactically separate sentences. They are:
    1) savanti sabbadhi sotā (the streams flow everywhere). The subject is the noun sotā (streams, nominative plural). The verb is savanti (flow, 3rd person, plural, active, indicative, present tense). It has an attribute, the adverb sabbadhi (everywhere).
    2) latā ubbhijja tiṭṭhati (the creeper sprung up and stands firm). The subject is the noun lata (creeper, nominative singular). The verb is tiṭṭhati (stands, 3rd person, singular, active, indicative, present tense). It has an attribute, the gerund uppajja (having sprung up).
    3) ta ca disvā lata jāta mūla paññāya chindatha (having seen that creeper grown, cut off its root with your wisdom). This can be further analysed into two segments:
    a) ta ca disvā lata (having seen that creeper grown). The subject is omitted. The verb is in gerund, disvā (having seen). The object is the noun lata (creeper, accusative singular). It has two attributes, the past participle jāta (grown, accusative singular) and the pronoun taj (that, accusative singular). The conjunction ca (and) serves mainly for metrical purposes.
    b) mūla paññāya chindatha (cut off its root with your wisdom). The subject is omitted; the verb implies the second person plural pronoun. The verb is chindatha (cut off, 2nd person, plural, active, imperative). It has an attribute, the noun paññāya (with wisdom, instrumental singular). The object is the noun mūla (root, accusative singular).


    The story for this verse is identical with the one for the two previous verses (DhP 338 and DhP 339) and with the three following verses (DhP 341, DhP 342 and DhP 343).
    The streams in this verse are identical with the thirty-six streams from the previous verse (DhP 339). The creeper means passion. It has to be cut off completely with the wisdom gained in meditation practice in order to enable us to reach the Awakenment.

此一偈頌與《經集》〈彼岸道品〉1304 頌的第一句相同:

Savanti sabbadhi sotā, Sotānaṃ kiṃ nivāraṇaṃ;

Sotānaṃ saṃvaraṃ brūhi, kena sotā pidhiyyare.

也和耆那教Isibhāsiyāiṃ 29.1 章中的第一句相同。


在Isibhāsiyāiṃ 29章中也有人問了耆那教教主Vaddhamāṇa相似的問題:
savanti savvato sotā, | kiṃ -a sotoṇṇivāraṇaṃ? /
puṭhe muṇī āikkhe: | kahaṃ soto pihijjati? ||
(Isibhasiyaim 29.1)

Guobing 師兄提醒《長老偈》 761偈,與此完全相同。我們在此就同時閱讀《長老偈》 761, 762 兩偈:

Theragāthā 761:
Savanti sabbadhi sotā, latā ubbhijja tiṭṭhati;
Te sote ko nivāreyya, taṃ lataṃ ko hi checchati.


Theragāthā 762:
Velaṃ karotha bhaddante, sotānaṃ sannivāraṇaṃ,

mā te manomayo soto, rukkhaṃva sahasā luve.




761 貪欲之洪水,流向一切處;貪欲如藤蔓,處處作纏縛;洪水誰可阻?藤蔓誰可除?

762 欲阻大洪水,先得築堤埝;阻卻貪之水,不令把人沒。


1 則留言:

  1. Cf. Theragāthā 761:

    ‘‘Savanti sabbadhi sotā, latā ubbhijja tiṭṭhati;
    Te sote ko nivāreyya, taṃ lataṃ ko hi checchati.
