2010年7月10日 星期六



漁人碼頭的戰爭 - The Battle of Fisherman's Wharf




[De Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie - VOC]


  1. 雙方都要把所造成的一切仇恨遺忘。[Both sides agree to forgive and forget.]
  2. 熱蘭遮城及其城外的工事、大砲及其他武器, 糧食、商品、貨幣及所有其他物品,凡屬於公司的都要交給國姓爺。[Fort Zeelandia and its fortification, guns and other weapons, food, merchandises, monies, and all other items that are properties of the VOC will all be handed over to Koxinga.]
  3. 米、麵包、葡萄酒、燒酒、肉、鹹肉、油、醋、繩子、帆布、瀝青、柏油、錨、火藥、子彈、火繩及其他物品,凡所有被包圍者從此地到巴達維亞的航程中所必需者,上述長官及議員們得以自上述公司的物品中,毫 無阻礙地裝進在泊船處及海邊的荷商聯合東印度公司的船。[Onto ships docked at and anchored along the seashores, VOC officials and senators are allowed to unrestrictedly load up supplies needed for all who will sail to Batavia that include rice, bread, grape wine, rice wine, meats, preserved meats, oil, vinegar, ropes, sail cloths, bitumen, tars, anchors, gun powder, bullets, flint fuses, and other items.]
  4. 屬於在福爾摩沙這城堡裡的,以及在這戰爭中被帶去其他地方的荷蘭政府特殊人物的所有動產,經國姓爺的授權者檢驗之後,得以毫無短缺地裝進上述的船。[The properties of Dutch Gov't officials who have stationed in the Formosan fort or in other places as a result of the war are allowed in their entirety, upon inspection by Koxinga's representatives, to transport onto the above-mentioned ships.]
  5. 除了上述物品之外,二十八位眾議會的議員們,每位得以帶走二百個兩盾半銀幣。此外有二十個人,即已婚的、單位主管及比較重要的人,合計帶走一千個 兩盾半銀幣。[Other than the above-mentioned materials, 28 senators are each permitted to carry 200 2.5-Gulden silver coins. In addition, more than 20 including married managers and more important persons are allowed a total of 1,000 2.5-Gulden silver coins.]
  6. 軍人經過檢查之後,可以帶走他們的全部物品及貨幣,並依我們的習俗,全副武裝,舉著打開的旗子、燃著火繩、子彈上膛,打著鼓出去上船。[All soldiers, after inspection, are allowed to take all their belongings and monies with them, and to follow the Dutch custom, to dress in full uniform, display the banners with the fuses lit and bullets loaded, and march at drum beats onto the ships.]
  7. 福爾摩沙的漢人之中,還有人向公司負債的,他們負債的金額和原因,或因租賃或因其他緣故,都將從公司的簿記中抄錄出來,交給國姓爺。[For those Han-people who owe debts to the VOC, the amount and the incurring reason, as loans or otherwise, will be copied from the company books and submitted to Koxinga.]
  8. 這政府全部文件簿記,現在都得以帶往巴達維亞。[All gov't documents and ledgers are allowed to be shipped to Batavia.]
  9. 所有的公司職員、自由民、婦女、兒童、男奴、女奴,在這戰爭中落在國姓爺領域裡且尚在福爾摩沙的,國姓爺將從今日起八至十日內交給上述的船,那些 在中國的,也要儘快送來交給上述的船。對於那些不在國姓爺的領域裡而仍在福爾摩沙的公司其他人員,也要立刻給予通行證,以便去搭乘公司的船。[All company workers, freemen, women, children, male and female slaves, and those trapped in Formosa within Koxinga's domain, Koxinga will deliver them to the above-mentioned ships in the next 8-10 days. Those in China will be sent to the ship as soon as possible. And those staying in Formosa but outside Koxinga's domain will be given safe passage to VOC ships.]
  10. 國姓爺要把他所奪去的船上的四隻小艇及其附屬設備立刻還給公司。[Koxinga agrees to return 4 small boats with the accessories which have previously been forcibly taken from VOC ships.]
  11. 國姓爺也要安排足夠的船給公司,以便運送人員和物品到巴達維亞。[Koxinga agrees to provide a sufficient number of ships to the Company to facilitate the transport of personnel and cargo to Batavia.]
  12. 農產品、牛和其他家畜以及其他為公司人員停留期間所需要的各類食物,要由國姓爺的部下以合理的價格,從今日起每天充足地供應給公司的上述人員。[Foodstuff needed for VOC workers such as agricultural produce, cattles and other farm animals will be supplied by Koxinga's subordinates at a reasonable price in sufficient quantities starting today.]
  13. 在公司人員遺留在此地或未上船以前,國姓爺的兵士或其他部下,如果不是為公司工作而來,誰也不得越過目前用籃堡或該殿下的陣地所形成的界線,來接近這城堡或其城外工事。[As long as the company workers are still in place and before they boarded the ships, Koxinga's soldiers and military personnel are forbidden to cross the present boundaries unless they are on company businesses.]
  14. 在荷蘭東印度公司人員撤離以前,城堡將只掛一面白旗。[A white flag is to be flown above the fort before the retreat of the VOC personnel.]
  15. 倉庫監督官在其他人員和物品都上船之後,將留在城堡裡二至三天,然後才和人質一起上船。[Overseer of the Warehouses will stay behind in the fort for 2-3 more days after all items and personnel have been loaded onto the ships; he will then leave together with all designated hostages.]
  16. 國姓爺將派官員或將官Ongkim及其幕僚Punpauw Jamosie為人質,於本條約經雙方各按本國的方式簽字、蓋章和宣誓之後,立刻送去停在泊船處的一艘公司的船。相對的,公司將派這政府的副首長Joan Oetgens van Waveren及眾議會議員David Harthouwer為人質,到大員市鎮國姓爺那裡,他們將各留在上述二個地方,直到一切按照條約內容確實履行完畢。[The designated hostages from both sides will remain in each other's camps until the complete rectification of the treaty.]
  17. 國姓爺被囚在這城堡裡的人,或被囚在此地泊船處公司船裡的俘虜,將和我們被囚在國姓爺的領域裡的俘虜交換。[Prisoners of war are to be exchanged.]
  18. 本條約如有誤會或確有需要而在此被遺漏之重要事項,將由雙方基於能為對方接受的共識,可立刻修正之。[Revision and addition of the above shall be agreed upon by both sides.]

一六六二年二月一日在大員的熱蘭遮城裡 [Feb 1, 1662, Zeelandia in Tayouan]

簽名者:揆一Frederick Coijett 等二十八人 [Signed by Coyett et al, a group of 28 signatories]


  1. 我同意雙方發生過的所有問題都已經過去,不再存在,而且不再去想那些問題。[I agree: let bygones be bygones.]
  2. 按照所說的,該城堡所有的大砲、小砲、彈藥、現款以及全部商品,都要毫無例外的交給我。[...guns etc... to be transferred to me]
  3. 米、燒酒、醋、油、肉、鹹肉、麵包、繩子、帆布、瀝青、柏油、火藥、子彈、火繩等物品,各船得攜帶航行途中所需要的數量。[supplies for the voyage to Batavia are approved]
  4. 所有的平民其財物家私,經檢驗後都得以裝上船。[private properties to be allowed]
  5. 對那二十八個人,每人准予攜帶二百個兩盾半銀幣;對其他那二十個較高階的人,准予合計攜帶一千個兩盾半銀幣。[silver dollars are also allowed]
  6. 兵士准予攜帶他們的行李不受騷擾地上船;並得以全副武裝,點燃火繩、子彈上膛、旗子打開並打鼓等。[soldiers' parade permitted]
  7. 你們得以將公司簿記文件中有關債務的資料,或租賃的或商品的,要抄錄交出來。[record of debts to be copied and delivered]
  8. 所有的荷蘭人,男的、女的、孩童、黑人,都將於八至十日內送到船裡,還在我方的地方官及其他人,也將不例外地都交還你們;而且,那些可能在此地或其他地方 躲藏尚未露面的人,也將同樣平安地交還給你們。[safe passage fro all residents]
  9. 那五隻被我們取得的小艇,將歸還你們。[the five small boats are to be returned]
  10. 各種船都將准予用來運送荷蘭人上船。[transport ships will be provided]
  11. 將命令兵士不得前往城堡附近,也不得有騷擾或暴力行為。[no hostile presence and actions]
  12. 在和約簽訂以前,該城堡得以掛一面白旗。[a white flag is to be flown]
  13. 該城堡裡的要員們須於三日內將他們的事務處理完畢、並進入船裡。[the 3-day limit to finish conducting all affairs]
  14. 雙方為此必須互換書面的條約,該書面的條約須經宣誓,並由重要人物簽名;為達此目的,雙方須互換人質。[treaty and hostage exchanges]
  15. 所有還在該城堡裡的漢人須全部釋放,同樣,在我們這邊還活著的荷蘭人也將予以釋放。[POW exchange]
  16. 如果還有任何細節在此被遺忘的,將予另行商討。[revisions and additions are to be further discussed]

簽署文件上面的日期是: 大明永曆十五年十二月十三日

從協議的過程可以看到,除了有關供給他的人員更多的食物的第十二點,荷蘭方面的揆一幾乎得到他所有的要求。很有可能在國姓爺方面,食物也是有點短缺,在此情況之下去供給敵人食物,看來不是好主意。揆一要求國姓爺還給他四艘小船,而實際上得到五艘小船,這或許是國姓爺表示誠意的一個安排。並不清楚為何荷蘭殖民地管理政府沒繼續存錄更多事項,雖然似乎所有重要的 VOC 文件 VOC Archives 都有保存下來,而且也存放在荷蘭的國家檔案局 Netherlands Nationaal Archief 裡。 
對國姓爺來說,趕走荷蘭人所付的很低的代價,從此時開始,他可以開始將台灣建築成他的根本基地來反攻清朝。對揆一來說,這是尚稱維持住榮耀的挫敗,所訂的協議並未為他保存一些恩典。他因喪失台灣而在芭達維亞Batavia遭受荷蘭政府的審判,被監禁在班達島Banda Islands 直到1674 年,在家庭為他付了25,000 金幣之後,才得到國王威廉三世的赦免。

揆一所提議的「寬恕與遺忘過去的敵對」並不是VOC 荷蘭東印度公司的選項,荷蘭人從未真正接受喪失台灣的事實,他們也繼續籌劃在中國取得一個立足點,荷蘭人甚至與清朝結盟,做了一些想擊敗明鄭王朝的無力的嘗試。

