2010年1月14日 星期四

1884 清法戰爭的淡水戰役

Danshui 1884 map




上圖是一張1884 年清法戰爭的戰圖。

此張圖可能是一位名叫卡羅其 carozzi 的淡水港領航員(英國人)賣給法國人的的幾張圖之一,他因此得到了約五千法郎的血腥錢(當作他的年薪,而不是這筆交易的總價額)。


在圖的下方,你可以看到淡水河,僅接著一條阻隔線,這是蓄意用擊沉舊船再加上石塊補強工事所構成的。右邊是白砲臺(FORT BLANC),再往內陸一點,以紅色標示的是紅毛城(FORT ROGUE),英國領事館,歐洲人住宅區,及其他建築。然後是淡水 Tamsui(或滬尾 Hobe)鎮。鎮旁邊是困在港裡面的一艘英國砲艇,庫克協福號 Cookshaefer,另外一艘困在港裡而未顯示在圖上的是中國運輸船:萬年青艦。請注意深度的標示單位是公尺,最深的點在漲潮時是7.3公尺。在南岸已經看到一些沙沉積物。

標示的法文為有點生澀的直譯,七艘法國戰艦的名稱無需翻譯。艦隊指揮官海軍少將雷斯陪斯 Rear Admiral Lespes 坐鎮在旗艦家力松尼瑞號 La Galissonniere 上。負責武裝巡航的是砲艇韋裴瑞號Vipere ,負責阻擋其他國籍的船隻進入淡水河。在 1884年 10月 1 日凌晨,各艘戰艦進入作戰位置,而海軍少將雷斯陪斯以旗號警告淡水鎮上的歐洲居民即將來臨的砲轟。10月 2 日,開始砲擊並摧毀三個清朝的主要砲火陣地。清朝的砲火營隊還擊。在濃霧中,法軍受了損傷而暫時停火,這天是中秋節的前一天。於是在月光下,法國工程師開始探測淡水河口的防禦工事,因為清國守軍已經在港口佈了水雷。法軍隨即撤退。砲戰中於在10月8 日開始了,首先由法國戰艦猛烈砲轟,當地守軍指揮官提督孫開華掌管八營守軍及一百名砲手。早上十點,五連法軍陸戰隊員(圖上以五個小長方形標示)在港口卸貨區登陸(標示為 Point de debarquement)。第二連的狄后特上尉 Captain Dehorter 遭清軍狙擊手射中胸部受傷(被後送到越南,後來因此槍傷病逝越南),法軍繼續前進到濃密的樹叢(圖上以紅線表示為法軍火力)面對黑線(圖上以黑線表示為守軍火力),清軍的位置在圖上標示為 Camp Retranche。在此北方,還有一條線代表另一組守軍火力。換句話說,法軍被陷住了,清軍開始前進攻擊,法軍連隊全部移到左側去,馮田中尉的連隊(第一連)開始撤退。其他連也跟著撤退,圖上以鋸齒線表示 (the ligne de retraile 撤退線)。那時正是漲潮時刻,所以法國士兵必須進到脖子深的海水中登上他們的船。受重傷的馮田中尉的連隊有兩名陸戰隊護送,其他人跟隨其後。他們三人都在岸邊被清軍俘虜,而當場被斬首。在肉搏戰中,法國士軍總共有十七名被殺,四十九名受傷。在清軍方面,約有八十個戰死和兩百名受傷,清軍都被送到馬偕醫師診所治療。(馬偕的家族成員後來包括他自己被迫撤到香港,因為有些台灣人因此役而對所有外國人懷著敵意)。這一戰贏得很辛苦,淡水人到今天仍然對犧牲性命的守軍心懷感激。


This is a map of the battle at Danshui during the Sino-French war in 1884.
The map was probably based on one of several sold by Danshui harbor pilot, a Brit by the name of Carozzi, to the French in Hongkong, for which he received a blood money of 50,000 francs (as an annual stipend, not a lump sum payment).
The map was entitled: Entry to the port of Tamsui, Combat (Battle) of Oct 8, 1884. Let us now take you through the battle:
At the bottom of the map, you can see the River of Tamsui and immediately there is a “Barrage (i.e., dam)” line, this was where the old ships were sunk on purpose, and later reinforced by filling this location in with stones. To the right, there is the “FORT BLANC (白砲臺)” and further inland, the red markers are FORT ROGUE (紅毛城), the British Consulate, residences of Europeans, and other buildings. Then the town of Tamsui or Hobe (滬尾) itself. Near the town, the Cookshaefer was a British gun ship trapped inside the harbor. Also trapped was a Chinese transport ship 萬年青艦 (not depicted). Notice the depths are in meters, the deepest point was 7.3 m at high tide. Sandy sediments are clearly seen on the south shore.

The captions in French are quite straightforward. The names of the seven French warships need no translation. Rear Admiral Lespes, the fleet commander, was onboard flagship La Galissonniere. On active patrol was the gunship Vipere, shown in two positions; it prevented other foreign ships from entering Tamsui River. In the early morning of Oct 1, 1884, the warships moved into position, and Lespes, through flag signals, warned European residents in Danshui of the impending canon bombardment. On Oct 2, the bombardment started that destroyed three major Chinese artillery encampments. The Chinese artillery returned fire. In the thick fog, the French suffered some losses and ceased action. This was one day before 中秋節. So under the moonlight, French engineers probed the defense at the mouth of Danshui river when a mine was set off by the Chinese defense force. The French then beat a quick retreat. The battle finally started on Oct 8, first with heavy bombardments from French warships. Local commander 提督孫開華 was in charge with eight battalions of defense forces plus 100 artillery men. At 10AM, five companies of French marines (indicated by 5 small rectangles on the map) landed on the beach (see Point de debarquement – debarking point - on the map). Captain Dehorter of the 2nd Company was hit in the chest by Chinese sniper fire and wounded (who was evaculated to Viet Nam and died there from the wounds). The French advanced through thick forests and bushes to the red line indicated on the map (line of French fire) facing the black line (the line of Chinese fire) – the Chinese positions are shown as Camp Retranche. To the north, there is another line of Chinese fire. In other words, the French forces were trapped. Chinese forces then advanced and attacked. All French companies moved to the left flank. And near a house at the converging point of the two Chinese firing lines, Lieutenant Fontaine’s company (the 1st Company) began to retreat. Others followed - shown in a zigzag line (the ligne de retraile – the line of retreat) retreating back to the beach. By that time, it was high tide, so the French must wade in seawater neck deep to re-board the landing vessels. A severely wounded Lieutenant Fontaine of La Galissonnière was escorted by two other marines and the group was lagging behind. All three were captured on the beach by Chinese soldiers and were beheaded on the spot. In all, 17 French marines were killed and 49 wounded in hand-to-hand combats. The loss on the Chinese side was 80 dead and around 200 wounded. The latter were tended to at Dr George Leslie Mackay’s Clinic (because of the hostility shown by some Taiwanese towards anything foreign, Dr Mackay's family and later himself were force to retreat to Hongkong). It was a hard-won victory and Danshui, to this day, is still grateful for the sacrifice of the Chinese soldiers.
The French then changed strategy by blockading all ports of Taiwan.

